Shes Trouble

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"I just don't care anymore! I have official given up! Are you happy? Of course your not because YOU NEVER ARE!" I scream into the phone and pushing the 'end' button just as my sister walks in with my best friend Ceydi.

"I everything Ok?" My five year old sister asks as her dark eyes peer up at me making my facial expression turn from hard to soft ad my equally dark eyes soften. I kneel down so I am at her hight and look into her adorable wide eyes.

"Yes Princess, now are you ready for pre-school?" She nods her head making her dark curls bounce around her small chubby face. "Yes sissy, Cwedi helpwd me."

I stand up looking at my gorgeous Spanish bestie with a smile. "Thanks, you know sometimes it gets crazy." Ceydi looks at me with a sad smile.

"I know honey, I would think after last weeks fiasco they would be on their first flight back, but, instead, they are doing whatever in Paris."

I nawl on my lip with a nod, "that's what I was hoping for buttttttt they're still there." A sigh escapes my lips as I get my bag I laid on the table to get my phone. "Lets just go before we are late and I give my parents another reason to curse me out." Ceydi let's out a light hearted laugh before agreeing and we head to the family limo. Yeah, you heard right, Family limo. Sure my parents feel like I'm old enough to watch a five year old girl 24/7 even though I can't drive a car yet and I barley can make a sandwich. Yes, I'm just so responsible.

As we get to the car my driver, Albert, smiles at us, gives us a nod and opens up the silver limo doors while asking "how are you girls today?"

I force a tight smile on my face so I won't come off as rude and respond with a "Fine, thank you," even though I want to cry, scream and let all my anger out on the next person who talks to me.

As we get in the limo I strap my sister in to her car seat as Ceydi slides in right next to me, the car feels with silence as we make our way to Princesses pre-school. As soon as Albert helped her out of the car and starts to walk her to her class; I grab my book bag with a smile, ready to put phase two into action. I pull out a black bandeau shirt with a leather jacket, some black high waist shorts and heels, not my usual attire, but I,'ll do what ever it takes to get my parents back home. I am tired of being a constant baby sitter, not that I don't love my sister, it's just that sometimes I need a break.

"Are you sure about this?" Ceydi asks me as she views my facial expression. I take a deep In take of breathe before giving a slight nod.

"I don't want to set a bad example for my sister, but if this doesn't do it, I might have to take it to the extreme."

"Its okay girly, I got your back every step of the way," she says putting her hand on my shoulder and giving me a soft smile.


As I walk threw the double doors I could hear that gasps and mummers as I pass the people crowding the hallway. I don't think that this is that big of a deal for the fact I'm not a nerdy girl or an outcast. I'm what people would call a drifter, I get a long with everyone, but I tend to stick with Cyedi, my other friend Josie and our guy friend Trey. I guess they are just shocked because they are use to the girly side of me, you know the cute dresses with wedges, shorts that cover me up, or some cute leggings, never something so revealing.

"Hey Aurora!" I hear a loud squeal in my ear making me turn my head so fast that my light brown curls hit me straight in the face.

"Oh gosh Josie, you scared the he'll out of me!" I screech at her making her cringe a little.

"Sorry! But do I have news for you!"

"And what would that be little miss gossip?"

"Eric's back."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2013 ⏰

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