Let's Play 15 Questions Part 2!

14 3 7

Booped by HarmonySoul

1. Answer the questions if you are tagged mention the person who tagged you (tag their name).

2. Mention the rules.

3. Make up 15 questions.

4. Tag eight people.

         Harmony's questions:

1. What's something that makes you want to blow your top off?

Cheaters in online games, I mean seriously it's okay to cheat with games that doesn't go online but do you have to ruin the fun for everyone else?

2. Your opinion on lemons (the nasty, fanfic kind)?

I don't know.

3. If you could ask me one super random thing, what would it be?

What did you want to be when you were younger?

4. I have a pen, what do you have?

I also have a pen.

5. What do you see? 8=D

I see my sister's computer.

6. Can you tell that I'm having a hard time creating questions?

Yea, don't worry, I'm sure we all do at some point.

7. What is life?

The existence of something that can breathe.

8. Who is one actor/actress you despise?

Whoever voices Gakushuu Asano.

9. If you could learn one talent/skill in a day, what would it be?


10. Angel or Devil?

Angel of course!

11. What is one thing you can't stand?

Music that I can hear from other people's headphones, like you guys really need your music THAT loud?

12. Favorite TV show?

I have more than one, so will just name a few. Pokemon, Avengers Assemble, Assassination Classroom.

13. Favorite junk/binge food?

Chocolate and ice cream.

14. Least favorite color?

Grey, it's just boring to me.

15. If you could be anyone for a day, fictional or not, who would you be?

Riku of course! It would be awesome to weild a Keyblade.

               Booping time:






              My Questions:

1. Favorite drink?

2. Where are you from?

3. Do you have any siblings?

4. Favorite outdoor game?

5. Favorite subject in school?

6. If you could be anyone dead or alive who would it be (has to be a real person)?

7. Do you have any pets?

8. Favorite animal?

9. Favorite foreign food?

10. Least favorite tv show?

11. Least favorite junk food?

12. Least favorite fictional character?

13. What sports do you play?

14. What annoys you the most?

15. Do you have anything that you don't use anymore?

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