Chapter 1

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**This chapter might be boring and too long, since i'm trying to explain everything. next chapter will be more interesting! I will update tonight If I get some reads! Very excited to post next chapter ahah:)**

It is now 2113, 15 years since the world was completely sane. My mother use to tell me stories of her growing up in the Idyllic phase.

She told me how she could just walk outside without any cameras or guards watching every move she made.

You could drive on a open dirt road without anyone arresting or killing you. You didn't have to sign a sheet, checking off the groceries you needed for that month. You could simply just drive to the grocery store.

Beau, my older brother, was alive in the Idyllic phase. He doesn't remember much since he was just 2 years old. My name is Lenora-Lame, I know. My friends call me sage since that's my middle name and I don't think anybody wants to be called Lenora. I was born on march 12th, 2098, the year the world completely lost it.

Of course with my luck, I had to grow up in the shittiest world. Why couldn't I grow up in the 1970's? where people smoked weed and didn't care about anything but rock n' roll. Why couldn't I grow up in  2000? Where gay's and black's were accepted and people walked in the same street as them.


You see, this thing called "New Revolution of America" happened. The government got very weak or something and let's just say everything went down hill from there. In 2098, the world turned into shit and citizens in America split up into 2 groups. The real names for the 2 groups are called toriks and vikents, named after their leaders, but I call them shitheads 1 and 2

Since America was weak, this guy named Vincent torik got over half of America to follow him and persuaded them that if he was in power, all good would happen. blah blah blah, then this guy named Thomas Vikent came along and knew Vincent was no good. Vincent convinced half of America that it's the president's and Vikent's fault for all their problems. Us being stupid, we followed Vincent.

World war 3 happened and didn't end until 2100. The president or anyone working for him couldn't do anything to stop the 2 guys and their followers. The president and his people basically lost power. In 2100, Vincent dropped a huge bomb to kill Thomas and his people or something and Thomas got as many people as he could to safety. Luckily, the bomb didn't do shit and Vincent went crazy.. Thomas killed half of Vincent's men but that  just made everything worst. All this shit happened and the next thing you know, Thomas and his men are under attack and lost. Leaving Thomas dead along with all of his followers.

Vincent turned the world around. He went missing for a few days but came back. And when he did, he felt so powerful and wanted everyone to know he is the king.

So he dropped another bomb and nobody was around this time to save people. The bomb destroyed America and people realized everything Vincent promised was all a lie. but, the only thing they could do was rely on him, since he had the total power. They did everything they could to stay alive.

Of course, I'm leaving a few details here and there. Which means you will need to figure it out through-out this story.


Vincent has armies and slaves. There was no school anymore. You go when you are 5, but you dont go to learn. You learned and trained about war and guns until you were 7, then you went into his army. That was for only boys of course. If you were a woman, you were a slave to Vincent. If you had beauty, you were his sex slave. others were just his maids and personal pets.

Luckily for my family, we have money. Families who have money have to pay monthly dues which keeps us out of his reach. All these families live in one area together and we stay in this area.

Only the men in the rich families worked. They had 2 choices, they worked in the mines or at factories. And if your family can't afford your dues to Vincent, your family and you would be  sent off with the rest of the world.

**Author's note- This chapter is really long! I tried to explain everything so you will understand the rest of this story!! Please comment if you have any questions. I will put up the character's and their names shortly.** PLEASE VOTE:) xx

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