Chapter 1: The Waitrose Green Imposter

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Pitter-pat went those tears from the sky. Eventually, they became a tremendous roar. The scent of wet concrete wafted in the air. I stuck out my hand and felt nature's cold hand grasp it. Silently thanking the bus stop for protecting me from the rest, I took my hand back.

It's the weather like this that makes me feel sentimental. Taking a look at my watch, my face grew long as I realized that the bus was horrendously late. No surprises here.

I peered down and looked at my shoes. They were close to being soaked. The rest of me was in a similar state. This weather has a peculiar effect on me. I noticed that my movements became sluggish and my thoughts became the gray clouds above.

A seat made itself known to me and I decided to take it. Gazing out in the distance from where I sat, I noticed a thick haze roll in. Quickly, the rest of the city's forest of buildings hid away from me. They giggled as they tucked themselves away in the corner.

It seems that the only things that stayed were myself, the bus stop, a lamppost, and the chair I rested upon. Truly a lively batch.

I decided to tuck myself away within a corner to wait for the bus out. However, as I did my eyes began to grow heavy. The warmth of my coat provided comfort. I hugged myself tight and reluctantly gave way to the urge to rest.


"Haruka!" My mother shouted across the house.

I was nestled in my blankets in front of my laptop at my desk. My fingers typing away to complete a video script for one of my assignments. My thoughts scatter easily and I find that writing a script helps keep me on track.

'Day in and day out, I am like this. Just sitting in the house with the rumbling clacking of keys in the room. I guess that's what I get for enrolling in online schooling. I wonder if this will really be the college experience that I will remember for the rest of my life.' I thought to myself.

The pages kept scrolling as my thoughts meandered and manifested themselves in writing. My fingers flew reaching out towards all corners of the keyboard.

'Will I ever be able to escape this dismal reality? What did I do to deserve this imprisonment?!' My fingers fluttered faster and faster.

'How come I don't go outside?! I want to do things like hanging out with friends like everybody else too you know! Why does nobody want to help me out of this hellhole-'

"Haruka!!" My mother called out much louder.

As I pressed the enter button on my keyboard, I broke out of my sulking session, changed my attitude to one that was more presentable, and prepared to answer her.

"Yes?" I shouted back.

"Take out the trash, please."

I took a reflective look at my surroundings. I was in the most comfortable position in my favorite chair and engulfed in my favorite, freshly washed blankets. I had my favorite teddy bear in my arms and the perfect set up for schoolwork. I let out a good sigh and hung my head between my shoulders. Doesn't the world have just the most perfect of timing?

I took off everything, folded and placed everything nice and neat. Although, I am a lazy introvert. It does not mean that I am just going to do so in a pigsty. Just as I was about to set off into the Outside World, I held up my teddy bear and gave it one last hug before tossing it back on the bed. With a determined look, I grabbed the door and swung myself out of the safety of my room, and hustled through the hallway passing by the family photos hung on the wall. My bare feet stomped on the floor disgracefully. BAM! BAM! BAM! My long hair bounced and wavered in the wind as I dashed to my mission end goal. I glanced to my left and saw the hallway dresser coming up. A bit further was the stairway rail. I analyzed the field and made my plan of action. 'This is my chance!!' I whipped out my phone from the left pocket of my kigurumi like a kunai and thrust the other hand into the right and grabbed my earbuds. I held out both in front of me and plugged the earbuds into my phone, spun around, and struck a pose. Inserting bother buds in my ears I waved my hand over my phone, let the hotblooded anime tracks pump into my ears, and made a final mad dash to the dresser. I hopped up launched myself off the dresser, ricochetted off the wall, and began to slide down the stairway rail.

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