New Nieghbor

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" Mercy, I heard some new neighbors are moving in next door to you " said Felicia, Mercy's best friend. They were in the cafeteria at their school. " Really? In the huge mansion they just built? " Mercy asked. " Yeah. Apparently your neighbor was the one who ordered it to be built " Felicia said. " Maybe your new neighbor is rich! " Felicia added excitedly. " Ohhh, your so lucky! he might share his giant pool with you! " " Yeah, maybe" Mercy said, lost in thought. Hmmm She thought. Maybe he would share his pool with her. But what if he didn't? What if he was just like old crabby Mrs. Drap, her other neighbor? Probably not she guessed. Not many people in the town of Evergreen were crabby and mean. She shrugged that worry off. She went back to eating her ham sandwich. " I wish I had a rich neighbor like you're going to have!" Felecia continued dreamily. Mercy rolled her eyes. " Dream on." she said. " This is a once in a lifetime thing that I'm getting, not you!" she shouted at Felecia. Felecia's face had a shocked expression on it. " What's the problem girls?" asked Mrs. Nancy, the lunch aide. Felecia looked scared now. She was never in trouble before. Mercy, on the other hand, well, let's just say she's had her share of detentions before. Felecia has been on many playdates with Mercy, and some of them included Mercy's mother shouting " Oh Mercy! " angrily." Um, well... "Felecia stammered. " We had a little disagreement Mrs. Nancy, that's all. " She flashed Mrs. Nancy her best smile, the one that only good kids can do. Mercy had tried to do this before but whatever grownup was there immediately said " what are you up to this time Mercy Mathews?! " Mrs. Nancy looked unconvinced, but walked away slowly, as if Mercy was going to jump up and attack Felecia at any moment. ( Mercy might have but since Felecia was her only friend she didn't.) Felecia watched as Mrs. Nancy slowly crept away, ready to yell at Mercy at any move she made. Felecia turned her head and looked at Mercy. " Why did you do that Mercy?! she almost shouted. But she only said it as loud as she dared to without getting caught." Because you're the one who's always jealous about getting things! " Mercy shouted. Mrs. Nancy turned around. Felecia gulped. " Now you're going to get us both in trouble! " Felecia whispered to Mercy. Mercy looked like she was pleased with herself. " Don't you get it Mercy?! We're going to get expelled! " yelled Felecia, who was not aware that she was yelling now too. Mrs. Nancy was now heading toward them both, and every head in the room was staring at them.

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