When You're With Me~ Chapter 2

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"What'cha thinking about?" Mitch questioned, resting his head on his fist.

"oh uh HOW MANY FOOLS WE'RE GONNA CHOP UP!!" Jerome covers up his thoughts. Mitch wasn't convinced, but didn't question it.

"ALRIGHT! Join server 62." Mitch yells and clicks the green-texted sign, teleporting him to a 2-block high oak wood capsule.

"Aw yeah I LOVE this map!" Jerome exclaims punching the wood.

"OK lez go, ready in 3, 2, 1! What's going o-"

"WHAT'S GOING ON DOODS THIS IS BAJANCANADIAN AND WELCOME BACK TO PIXELMON." Jerome says in a slurred kind of Mitch impression.

"NO TIME TO CORRECT IT'S STARTING IN THREE SECONDS!!" Mitch said as his character started running and spawning back, until the countdown hit 1. They all went flying off their spawns and Mitch opened a chest. "I GOT A STONE AXE BIGGUMS!"

"oh good I got nothing oh and now people are killing me off spawn that's good I was worried that I was going to win." Jerome says sarcastically. Mitch laughs and so does Jerome. Mitch feels his skin crawl and looks at his arm to find goosebumps. He got goosebumps from Jerome's laugh. Of course.

"Well come to the middle, I got you an iron Axe." Mitch said running around the spawn.

"YAAYYYY!" Jerome yells. Mitch decides to look in some chests and finds a diamond which is placed in his inventory along with two others.....Betty!!

He gets to the crafting table right as he sees Jerome's bacca character coming down the hill.

"Whatcha making buddy?" Jerome asks as his character runs up to mine.

"oh nothing." Mitch smiles.

"MIIIIITCH." god Mitch loved it when he begged. It was adorable. "TEELLL MEEE!!"

Mitch stepped away from the crafting table and put the Axe in his hand.

"No." Jerome gasped "You got Betty?!"

"No." Mitch threw the Axe on the ground towards Jerome. "You got Betty!"

"Mitch you shouldn't have!" Jerome paused, contemplating his next crazy thought. "I love you!"

Mitch felt weak. He knew Jerome was joking, but wanted to think he wasn't....

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