The Flashback-Continued

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I was wrong, so very wrong. Once he realized what was happening he ran towards me. With amazing strength he accidentally pushes me back too hard. I feel my body fly through the air and my head slam against a nearby tree. With my head bleeding hard I watched in horror as Dad realized what he had done. With that small moment Ammit leaped at Dad with surprising speed. "Dad!" I screamed just as Ammit's mouth collided with Dad's back. "Mika!" Dad shrieked. Tears and blood ran down my face like a bloody waterfall. Ammit tears his way through Dad's back and I hear a snap as he breaks bone. With a small tear the monster brings up Dad's heart. He swallows the heart whole and looks at me. "You are lucky, cursed one." he says as he gets up and walks away. Blood now clouding my vision I screamed. I could here footsteps, with my vision clouding up I see a figure crouched above me. "Dad?" I say but then all I see is black as I fall into darkness.

Hey, this is WolfHeart. Comment on or vote for this book for more. Everyone's opinion matters! =) ~WolfHeart

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