Another Day (Part 21)

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-----  if i do she will make it a bigger joke and never let me live it down!. 

Natilee's POV

We arrived back onto campus not that long after and Niall dropped me off at our dorm he said he was going to hang around some places for awhile, i got out of his car and run inside it was freezing i dont know why i wore dungaree's!. I got inside and started to warm up i went into the main room their was 3 or 4 other people sitting in there watching Tv i went to join them , i want to be very social. "Hey" i say cheerfully as i sit with these stragers "Hi" one of the guys says then gets up and leaves. Not very social people i'm guessing?. 

"Um i'm Nat?" i say "Cool Maddie" one of the girls says then lifts her head up from behind her phone, she's sitting oppisite me she has a nose peircing and bright purple hair with blue streaks as i study her facial features more i realise she has a lip peircing its white thats how i couldnt see it , "Um what do you study?" i ask not really expecting her to study anything shes just hear for her friend or somthing? "Buissness and law" she say with a straight face i gasp in shock "Really?" i ask and i sound rude "Yes! why?" "Oh i dont know" "What because i look like this?" she asked and pointed to her face and clothing "No" , she goes back to looking at her phone "I' sorry if i affened you?" , she looked up "Its fine , i dont care i get comments everyday about my apperance but i honestly dont give a shit!". Oh wow well shes um unique. 

"Are you new here?" she asked "Yeah you?" "No my second year" . Why am i making friends with people who have been here longer than me! well apart from Chloe. "Do you know Emily?" i ask "Yeah she's in the dorm next door to mine she's a right pain in the ass!" , oh this just got awkward! Yes Emily does go out with the boy of my dreams and Yes she can be annoying and a pain in the ass but after all she's my best friend!. "Um shes my roomate?" i say and look her dead in the eyes "I feel sorry for you!" she says and gets up , she is wearing a black t-shirt with some band name on the front in purple to match her hair and some scuffed up leggings which are black and the wripps are purple with some black milatery boots with blue laces . Shes so different , if my mother saw i was trying to make friends with a girl like her she would flip!. 

"Where are you going?" i ask and chase after her , "To get a drink? Why?" she says with an attitude she really doesnt give a shit! i like her!. Her phone started ringing her ring tone was some heavy metal i never heared she answer "What!" she screamed down the line "Hell yeah i'll be there i'd be a pussy if i wasnt!" . Oh wow i bet her mothers real proud!. "No he's not coming because he's a dick and on tour!" . Wonder who shes talking about. She put the phone down, "Who was that" i asked expecting some sarcastic answer "My friend avory" "Oh" "She wanted to know if i was going to this party tonight down town incase you were wondering!" she said and did a little smile which i could tell was fake. 

"Who were you talking about? who wont be there?" i dont know why im asking her if i dont even know her?. "My boyfriend" , she can get a boyfriend?. "Whats his name?" i asked "Micheal , he's in a band you might of heared of it" "Whats it called?" "5SOS but i dont expect a prissy like you to listen to that kind of music!" and she laughed in my face and walked back into the main room i followed "Actually i do listen to that kind of music!" i shout to her and she just laughed "Yeah ok" , i started naming a bunch of their songs and she was genuinly surprised. She started talking to the guy next to her about something i didnt really now what she was saying. 

"So are you a virgin or something?" she asked and laughed , i was surprised at what she said "What!" i yell "You heared are you a virgin" and laughed again "I would rather not discuss that thank you!" "So you are then? i mean its not hard to tell just looking at you , you can tell!" "How!" and i look at myself "First off your wearing dungaree's and covering yourself up abit! i mean yeah wear dungaree's but show some of your chest off!" "Your not!" i make a point "yeah but look how tight my clothes are! if they get any tighter my ass and tits will pop out!" and i laugh , "Secondly your all stuck up and not chilled you should try this!" she hands me a white thin stick "What is it?" i ask "Just put it in your mouth!" she says and i obey. 

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