Swedish Fish

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Nothing but open ocean ahead of me. Crystal clear, fresh, relaxing water. It was very calm, almost to calm. The area was dead, not even the school of fish were there. I didn't think to much of it and I continued to swim. Then I felt a sharp pain shoot through my entire body. I turn to look and notice a chunk of me is missing. I see 3 great white sharks surrounding me. I saw nothing but red, literally I was loosing blood, quick. I tried my best to swim away as fast as I could. I could feel them right behind me. I kept swimming until I seen some sort of cave. I decided to go inside but then a door slammed behind me and I was trapped inside a clear tank.

Then tank began to rise from the water pulled by a giant crab! "a crane" The giant crab lowered me into some place where there were many humans around me. They got a thin needle and stuck it in me. I slowly began getting sleepier and sleepier until I blacked out.

When I woke up I was back in the ocean, All I could think about was, where is everybody? I turned to see if I was still bleeding. I looked good as new! I decided to start looking for food I was starving. I had never seen the water so empty and quiet "BAM" I crashed into some invisible wall. I kept trying to get threw but I was trapped.

FISH! FISH! FISH! I felt blood rushing through my body. I was starving, I felt like I hadn't eaten in years. I swam as fast as I could to where I smelled the fish. There were no fish anywhere! I poked my head out of the water. I couldn't believe where I was. I was inside some stadium that could fit hundreds of people! Then....Then..... I smelled fish again. I seen a lady with a tight black suit on that had S.E.A W.O.R.L.D on it. I've never seen those symbols before but she smelled like fish.

SPLASH! SPLASH! SPLASH! She began throwing fish at me. She taught me how to do many tricks. Maggie and I became best friends. She would feed me every time I would do what she said. I learned so many new things thanks to Maggie.

2 Months had passed and there had been talk that "I was ready" ready for what?! Then Maggie came for our daily dance practices. I heard a Loud sound. I seen the gate open, the gate that would lead me into the giant stadium. Many people began sitting in the stadium. Then a loud speaker came on, "Welcome to sea world san diego!!!!!" This is one of our newest orcas Glen!" Enjoy the show!"

Maggie came out and began doing our dances and I followed along. I was beginning to get very tired but Maggie hadn't signaled me to stop. The crowd began cheering for Maggie and I. I looked up at the crowd, there were little kids with fake whale plush toys, orca shirts, all things that reminded me of home. I continued to look around and stopped dancing with Maggie. Everybody stopped cheering for Maggie and I but I didn't care. I wanted to go home!!!

    Maggie tried to get me to continue dancing but I was in no mood to dance. I swung my tail at her and she flew into the water. Kids were crying, parents and their kids were fleeing the stadium. Speakers were trying to calm everybody . Then I realized.... WHAT HAD I DONE TO MAGGIE!!!! I swam to her and she grabbed onto my fin and I swam back to my training tank. Maggie had never been so mad at me. She locked me into the cage tank all day. Finally the cage had opened, I swam to the bottom of the tank "the eating with orcas exhibit" I noticed all the other happy families there, I missed my family

    It was a long lonely night. I hardly had gotten any sleep. They opened the large gate for me, I didn't want to go through but I seen Maggie, and I really missed Maggie. I swam as fast as I could into the large stadium. Nobody was there except for Maggie, a man, and 2 little kids that looked like the man.

  Maggie jumped into the water and said in a little baby voice, "Hi glen! This is neagan and his 2 kids Ronald and Lizzy, they're going to be swimming with you today." I always hated when she talked to me like that but at the same time I found it funny. While lizzy and Ronald began getting into the water I over heard Maggie and neagan about how he was the reason why I was stuck here!  I felt my whole body get hot. I was furious! He was the reason why I couldn't be at home with my family!!

  I wanted revenge on neagan!! I saw neagan so happy with his kids. I wish I could have been like that right now, and then it hit me I knew exactly how I was going to get revenge on neagan

  Lizzy and Ronald began swimming towards me. Both of them grabbed onto my fin and I began swimming to the deepest part of the tank. I dragged both of them down to the bottom of the tank I felt them let go so I clenched my teeth into them and brought them down once again. Once they stopped struggling to come back up I watched them sink to the bottom and I began swimming up. Everybody began swimming towards where I had dragged them down to but it was to late.....

  That night everything seemed so unreal. News Reporters were everywhere until a giant crab "crane" came and put something inside my tank. I swam towards it and I was trapped! The giant crab began moving towards something that looked familiar. The ocean!!! My home!! It threw me back into the water and I never had to see that horrible place again. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2016 ⏰

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