Chapter 3

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"We continue along the lake, as soon as we reach the other side of it, we will be ready to cross the river Anduin into Engorn."

"That fast?"

"It's been a little over a week."

"It still seems fast to me."

"Doesn't to me." I mutter.

Stop it, I tell myself.

"As soon as we cross Anduin we should be able to obtain horses, it will make the journey quicker to the mountain range."

"What's the mountain range like?" Narweth asks. "How quick will it be to pass through?"

"It depends on the weather." I reply. "There will be snow, it will be cold, but I don't know how much time it will take to get to the mountain as soon as we're in it's range."

2 Years After the Attack

"We can't just stay here in this ridiculous cave forever, we've got to go somewhere else, it's too small for two growing dragons to live here forever."

"Where else is there to go?" Septimus asks.

"Somewhere other than here."

"Maybe we don't have to move."

"No." I say sternly. "We've had this argument dozens of times, we cannot-"

"I can!" He raises his voice. "And I don't know why I let you stop me from doing so. Hasn't it ever come across your mind that Smaug and I are older than you are?"

"Why does that matter?" I ask. "I'm 12."

"And we're 19. Aren't the older siblings supposed to guide the younger ones?"

I roll my eyes. "Sometimes I think I'm the older one." I say, Smaug growls and I look over at him. "Not older than you, just him." I nod to Septimus, Smaug smirks in agreement and looks at Septimus as he glares over at me. "Just...try, brothers, to not let anyone know we're here."

"And if they come?"

"We run from them."

"Are you calling us cowards?" His voice rises angrily.

"No. But I won't let you take innocent lives."

"If they come I will kill them, their family, their village, their entire population, just like they did to my kind!"

"Then I won't be on your side if and when that time comes." I tell him calmly, and walk out of the cave, both of them follow me.

"Are you now taking sides with them? The vermin that killed my parents? The same parasites that killed everyone we were close with, just to take over a city full of treasure?!"

"They're our mother and father."

"No. They mine and Smaug's. You were adopted. You're an orphan. A child found at the entrance to our city with your dying mother. A human child." Septimus snarls. "But of course, you weren't completely human, you possessed strong magic, so strong you couldn't control it, and created lightning in the palm of your hand that nearly brought down a tower - that's how your mother gave your name, Elektra." Septimus says. "And of course, after your mother died, our parents took pity on you, and took you-"

"Yes, I know the story." I tell him exasperatedly.

"And of course now it makes sense why you side with humans!"
"Brother, please seek reason-"

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