Meeting again

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Sure enough you were accepted onto the enterprise and you cheered happily walking onto the ship in your teal and black medical dress. You were first introduced to Spock who just nodded monotonously when you introduced yourself and the rest of the crew soon followed. 

You wondered if the man in the pub was just lying to make himself look better until he walked onto the bridge. "Y/n? You really were accepted!" he said and hugged you. You laughed and said "And just when I thought you were lying, sure enough, here you are." He laughed along and said "I don't lie miss." "that in itself is a lie." Spock said from the doorway. Everybody laughed. 

"You two know each other?" Scotty asked. "Yeah, we met in a pub a few weeks ago." Kirk laughed "God what a classy way to meet a member of the crew." Kirk stated jokingly. "Quite." You said raising one eyebrow and he laughed and began to show you the ship. 


Sulu was pretty much eternally grateful for you helping him. "Thank You, really so much Y/n for helping me." You rolled your eyes and said "Spock how many times has he said thank you today" "13 miss." "and how many times have I said that it's my job and I didn't mind "13 miss." "thank you Spock." "mm hmm" 

you looked up at Sulu. "It's not a problem Sulu and i'm a medic I work with sick and injured crew members there's no need to go all 'You saved my life I am eternally grateful on me'" 

He laughed a little and said "fine but still-" "Do NOT say thank you Sulu. ".....fine.." you laughed and said "come on, get to the bridge, I have to go and work in the clinic" and you both made your way to your jobs. 

Chekov (*loud squealing sounds*)

You were eating breakfast when the young russian boy who shared your navigating table slid into the chair next to you. "Hullo Y/n!" He said happily "Hi chekov, whatcha doin?" 

"Nothing" He said with a low smirk and held up the cookie you had brought for breakfast. "why you little!" You yelled and began to chase him around. "Help I am zcrewed!" he yelled playfully running back to your table. "Give." You said simply once you had forced him into a chair. 

He sighed and handed you the cookie. "thank you, here." You said and broke the cookie in half giving him one half. "haha, thanks y/n." He said and you walked to navigation with him. 

"what's on the agenda for today Pavel?" You questioned as you walked. "Nothing much ve have zome reports to finish and we're zupposed to be observing an azteroid belt and finding anything odd about it az zhere have been zome missing ship reports." 

You nodded "Great, should be fun for us navigators." He giggled, "Yeah, we'll have zomething to do bezides zitting at a dezk waiting for a job zat calls on navigators." You laughed with him and walked in working on your report.

Spock (*hyperventilates*) 

You had gotten used to the ship and the science field and you were working on material right now. You were using steel wool, cotton, several types of chemicals, and tough nylon to try to make a stronger type of uniform that was resistant to fire and water and was bullet and stun phaser proof yet was still comfortable. The slew of chemicals was dried onto the cloth and you put your arm in a sleeve. It was fine

for a few seconds 

and then the chemicals began to burn your arms. 

You yelped loudly and ran to a sink, turning on cold water to stifle the burning. At that moment Spock decided to walk in. "Y/n I heard a yell, are you alright?" You whimpered softly and said "I th-think so..." 

He almost sounded worried when he said "I believe it would be logical to allow me to see the wound, so I can diagnose the problem." "o-ok.." You said not in the mood to argue as the pain was growing worse. 

He held your arm and you were suprised at how soft and warm his hands were. "It's minor only to the first degree but I recommend you don't continue to work." You smiled and said "Nah, i'm fine, i've been burned worse than this and continued my work, it just burns a little, I can fix whatever did it." He looked at you and said "Miss, that is not logical, however brave, it is not logical nor is it safe to continue work without help." You raised an eyebrow and he said "I suppose I could help you since I have accepted defeat in never winning this. You smiled and wrapped your arms around him "Thanks Spock, come on, i'll show you what i'm doing!"

You didn't see his green blush. 

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