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Hope you guys will enjoy this story!! And yes, it’s going to be a series, I call it the ‘Superhero Series’!! :D I’m going to make 6 books, for every boy one. And one for the all of them. Anyway, don’t forget to vote and comment, enjoy! This whole story is going to be in Niall’s POV btw :)


It was a beautiful day, it was early December and it was snowing. Thousands of snowflakes fell to Earth, it was truly a beautiful sight. You have people who don’t like snow because it’s so cold, I agree it’s cold but I’m one of those people who loves the snow. It’s very beautiful and peaceful. When it snows I always go outside, just admiring its beauty.

With my boots I kicked snow out of my way and I breather out, watching my breath form some kind of cloud – I don’t know what’s it called – and I watched as it went up and disappeared. A smile made its way on my face and my hands went in the pockets of my jacket.

The silence was disturbed when my phone went off, making me sigh, I never can have peace can’t I? I fished my phone out of my pockets and pressed ‘accept’ without looking at the caller. “Ello?” I said in the phone, “Niall, where are you? We have rehearsal in like ten minutes!” Liam said on the other end of the line, panic evident in his voice. I chuckled, “I was taking a walk, I’m on my way okay?” I said and hung up, not bothering to hear his reply. Probably it would be something along the lines of ‘okay, hurry up’ knowing Liam.

I ruffled my blonde hair and went back to the apartment I shared with my bandmates. I didn’t run, more like speed walking, while I walked back I looked around. When will be the last time I have a bit of time to admire the snow? Probably somewhere next year.

But something I saw stopped me death in the tracks. My eyes fell on an alley, I don’t know why but it was like something was calling me, begging me to go to there. It was like I couldn’t control my body anymore, it automatically walked towards the alley. My mind commanded to turn around but my body didn’t listen, it kept walking.

Then my eyes fell on something what literally took my breath away, it was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I had again control over my body, but I didn’t walk away. I couldn’t bring myself to do so.

What I saw was a beautiful white gem, as white as the snow. It had a silver glow making it look magical. I walked towards it and bend to my knees in front of the gem and looked at it in complete awe. It was beautiful, no doubt about it.

My left hand went towards it and touched its cold surface, when my hand touched the gem – which was as huge as a rugby ball – it glowed up. The whole allay was filled with silver and white light, inside the gem appeared some kind of fog, the colour was ice blue. The gem burst open and the fog surrounded me, in a few seconds the only thing I saw was the fog and the silver and white light.

“Niall Horan! In order to follow your destiny I give you this gift!” A voice as soft as velvet, but at the same time with a huge authority said. The fog floated towards me – pretty fast – and what happened most surprised me the most was that my body absorbed it.

My body went in some kind of shock mode, it felt like I was hit by the thunder. I screamed like I never have screamed when the fog went inside my veins and changed my DNA. The pain was huge, I curled up in a ball and screamed in my knees, hoping it would stop. But it didn’t, it only got worse. I tugged at my hair, scratched at my arms. Everything, just to stop the pain.

My body couldn’t take it anymore, it was too much to handle. I had the feeling like six suns exploded inside my body, I basically could feel the strange fog and light change me.

That was where everything went black and where I lost consciousness.

This was the prologue! ^^ I kind of feel sorry for Niall that he had to went through this all, but nothing to do about it :P

What do you think is going to happen? What was the gem? Who’s the voice? what are Niall’s powers going to be? Let me know in the comments and don’t forget to vote. Tell me what you think of this ok?

-          Jack the Irish leprechaun

The Lucky Charm (Niall Horan) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now