Part: 2

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You were laying in bed thinking about Mr. Mendes. So many thoughts were going through your mind. 'That was so weird. What does he mean by hangout? Why did he want my number? Isn't this illegal?' Out of the blue, you got a text message..

(180-012-345): This is (Y/N) right?

(You): Yes. Is this Mr.Mendes?

(Mendes): Yes lol. I hope I didn't freak you out earlier...

(You): Oh, you didn't. But I just don't know what you mean by 'hangout'...

(Mendes): I just want to get to know you better. Sorry if that sounds a little strange..

(You): Okay. lol I kinda want to get to know you better also.

(Mendes): Great :) so, come over to my place tonight? I'll explain what I mean by 'hangout'

(You): Um sure. Address?

(Mendes): 660 Aquarius Street.

(You): alright. See ya.
You couldn't believe what was happening. You were actually a little scared.... You touched up your makeup, changed your clothes, and told your brother you were going over to a friend's house. Your brother, 5 years older than you, takes care of you. Three years ago you lost your parents to a car accident. You walked out the door and texted Mr. Mendes that you were on your way. (Skip drive) You step out of your car and go knock on his door. "Hey, come in" said Mr. Mendes with a smile. "You have a really nice house, Mr. Mendes." You said waking in. "Have a seat" he said while you followed him to his couch. "So, um. Again, I know this is weird, but um I just want to know more about you. I mean, from what I know you're an amazing person." He said chuckling. "Well this isn't to weird, because I also want to know more about you." You said blushing. "But isn't this illegal?" "Isn't what illegal?" Asked Mr. Mendes. "Us hanging out. I mean you're my teacher." "Ok. Listen. I have a crush on you." He said putting his head in his hands. "What?" You said shocked.


Mr. Mendes (teacherXstudent)Where stories live. Discover now