Chapter Two

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 "W-wha...?" I stared at him, my eyes wide. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to get away from him, I got the worst feeling as soon as he touched me. Yet I couldn't even so much as look away from his eyes.

"Well?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"What... what k-kind of deal...?" I asked.

"A very simple deal. I will grant you whatever you wish, but once the wish has been fulfilled, you'll belong to me." He said, finally letting go of my chin. That really didn't sound so bad, but now I was suspicious.

"What's the catch...?" I asked him.

"There is none. The circumstances have been laid out for you to see, you can wish for anything you'd like, as long as you're okay with becoming mine." He said. I thought it over for a while. All he wanted was my soul, right? After all, what would he want with the rest of me? This was actually a very very good deal here.

"Okay... we have a deal." I said, looking up at him. He smiled and pulled a piece of paper out of thin air. It had more writing on it in that weird language. He then pulled a pen out of thin air, more correctly, one of those old feather quills. It had a very sharp point at the end. "Hold out your hand please." He said, and I did so. He pricked the end of my finger with the pen, letting the blood flow over the tip of the pen, then handed it to me. "Sign the contract."

I took the pen and signed my name on the paper at the line I was supposed to, and he made the paper and the pen disappear.

"Wonderful!" He said. "Now, you may go ahead and make your wish." He told me. I thought about it for a while, but it was insanely difficult to decide on anything. I only had one wish, I didn't want to waste it. "You aren't required to make you're wish now. You can use it at any time you choose." He said. That sure made it easier.

"Alright, I'll save it for now." I told him.

"Wonderful. Well, I suppose while we wait I might as well put you to work." He said, returning us to the real world.

"Put me to work? What do you mean?" I frowned. "I didn't agree to work, I agreed to sell you my soul." I told him. He looked confused for a moment, before a look of realization came on his face.

"Oh, human you are mistaken. The agreement wasn't that I would get your soul." He snapped his fingers and a heavy metal collar with a chain attached to it appeared around my neck. He grabbed the chain and yanked me towards him, looking into my eyes. "The agreement was, I would get you."

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