a new life begins! encounter, idiotic new student!

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BAH! I'm going to be late! The bell rang 10 minutes ago and I'm still here speeding my bicycle towards the school gates. For the nth time of my school life, I'm going to be given a yellow penalty card once more. Yellow cards are given to students who committed offenses, inside the card is a given punishment. Don't worry I only received few of penalty cards, just enough to cover up my bedroom walls I suppose. 

So much for a new semester.

I hurriedly ran to my classroom, thankfully praying that today is the first day of class, my bag is very lightweight as I carry only a notebook and a pen that day. Let's see..

Room 101........102.......103........104..........105 and finally at Room 106........... 

First day, first period, first introductions. I really really suck at self-introductions, it's not that I'm shy but just Imagine 20 or so pairs of eyes awkwardly oggling at your face. Damn, I don't even like the face of humanity and now as I twisted the doorknob, I shall see new faces coming from mix-matching students from different sections last semester. For sure, these guys are no good..

Wrong. The first thing I saw is something yellow. Yes that's right, a yellow penalty card! Let the world record begin! 

"Tsk, tsk. Penalty on the first day for being late." my teacher raised her eyebrows as she beckoned me to choose a seat. I chose the one farthest from the class just beside the window, the card clutched in my hand, I put it on the drawer in my desk and sat awkwardly, glancing around the classroom, there are people laughing and whispering to each other all nudging their seatmate to my direction. 

"Neh, whatever." I whispered and turned my glance away from them. 

"Hey, wonder what your sentence might be." a girl leaned on my desk to whisper.

"Who knows." I shrugged. I tried to ignore them, trying to convince myself that they're not worth my time.

Jeez, just what I need. A punsihment and it's just the first day of classes, I wonder how is this semester going to turn up? My teacher started to discuss in front, I found my usual self turning away from the chaotic realm of learning and once again staring out the window beside me. 

I smirked as I saw little pre-school kids playing in the playground, how many years have passed since I was one of them? I really missed playing outside, I remembered when me and my friends used to play badminton after we bake cookies, sometimes we go out to hang out in the children's playground despite being too little too big sitting on their swings and slides. I grinned but then I stopped.

It's been 5 months ever since I heard of them and 4 months ever since I held a "funeral" for us. 

Heh! As if I care, wherever they are, let them stay there. I'm aware that they are not even thinking of me and I don't give a single da-

"OW!" I cried. My teacher and my classmates turned in my direction to see the cause of the ruckus. I saw my teacher frowned at me but I couldn't help it! Someone knocked me with a bag! 

"I guess this seat is not taken then." said the guy who hit me. He pulled the chair and sat on it, he carelessly dumped his things at my side. Who the hell is this guy?

"Ms. Yume, I appreciate it very well if you wouldn't disturb the class." 

Fearing for another possible yellow card, I quickly stood up and pointed at the guy.

"But he did it! Ask him!" I angrily retorded. My teacher frowned more, my classmates raised their eyebrows.

I turned at the guy and he smiled at me smugly. I felt my blood boil inside. How dare he?!

"Must be the heat of the day, take your sit." my teacher shrugged and faced the blackboard once again. I took my seat though quite loudly. 

"I'm the boss here." the guy beside me started. I ignored him.

"So, I guess I'm sorry no one took your side. Because you know, I'm special here."

I ignored him again. Must be a son of the principal or something. I don't need people like this. Shame he sat beside me.

"My name is Jean by the way, Yume right?"

Ignore him. Ignore him. Ignore him. Ignore him.

Hang on, this guy's late for 30 minutes, he should get a card too! I was about to stand up when I felt a hand grabbed me.

"Get off!" I hissed.

"Physical pain, tardiness. You ought to be given penalties!" I objected.

"There's no use, they can't give me such cards anyway." he smirked.

"Well, who do you think you are?" I shot at him.

"I told you, I'm Jean. Jean Kirschtein." he carelessly replied, as if enjoying my fury.

"I don't ca-"

"I'm Jean Kirschtein, the man of your fantasies." he laughed. 


I'm now officially pissed off, I moved my desk farther from him and just stared towards the window. All day long I had to endure the guy, by the time the bell rang for dismissal, I was barely conscious of my neck.  I'm just despearte to go home and sprawl on my back.

"Please wait up, Miss." my teacher held me back. Oh right, penalties. I gave her the card and she read it.

"One hour in the Detention Chamber." 

I slouched and walked towards the Detention Chamber, it is a chamber with only two desks and one chair inside, usually for a teacher,  those who are ordered to go there shall do nothing but sit by the side of another student who has the same penalty. Just that, but the presence of a stranger is both awkward and irritating.

I nodded at the guard outside the door and he held the door open for me, there was someone sitting on the teacher's chair. I greeted him. 

"Good afternoon." my voice is as lazy as a malfunctioning vacuum cleaner but the "proctor" merely laughed. 

It's familiar.

Unfortunately familiar.

"You!" I shouted.

"What are you doing here?!" I demanded at him.

Jean smirked and shrugged. 

"Well, you told me that I ought to have penalties." he smiled.

"So I asked for one." he continued, smiling sweetly.

"What the-?!" I could hardly believe him!

"And how lucky, I ended up same as you." he stood up and stretched before slumping back into the teacher's chair once more.

Oh heavens, I really hate this guy.


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