Part 2 New Students

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Hey my amazing Hybrids! Here we go part 2 of this story and I'm at school right now and yaaaa so yeah. ON TO THE STORY!!

Adam's pov

Hi my name is Adam but most people call me Sky. I have a group of friends who are really excited about... something. Anyways I'm a student at Hybrid High and I'm a hybrid of herobrine. Weird I know but you know.

My friends are Tyler or BrotatoBot and you can guess what hybrid he is, a robot. Next, we have Jason or Universe he is a Wither hybrid. Next, we have Mitch or CanadianWolf and he is a wolf hybrid. Finally, we have Seto the Sorcerer. Now Seto isn't a hybrid, but he comes to learn spells, how to make potions, and the history of hybrids.

Me and my friends live in the same house together and really enjoy the company of each other.

*time skip to school*

My friends are really exited for some reason and I want to know why. Why could this day be different than the rest of them? I should ask them why their so happy. "Hey guys, why are ya'll so happy?" I ask them "*Gasp* We forgot to tell him!" Mitch says "Forgot to tell me what?" "New students!!" They all yell at the same time "Really?!?! Do yall know their names?"  I ask "Ummm I don't but who does?" Jason responded "I was the one that told all of you guys" Seto says "Do you know their names?" "Yes I believe it's Ty Lox and Jerome Lee" Seto responded "Ok I think I heard something about someone that had the last name Lox before" I said "Ohh yeah that guy that went to jail for trying to kill his son and dog or something like that" Mitch says "Ok well let's get to class. I don't want to be late today!" Jason says and we all agree with him and start walking to our separate ways to our classes.

*time skip to after school and walking back*

I noticed something when we were walking back. "Wait guys, where's Jason and BrotatoBot?" I ask and we all look around to see two people walking up to us "Hey guys this is Jerome, one of the new students and also where is Brotato?" Jason said "We don't know where Tyler is" as so as Mitch says that Jerome tensed up and Mitch got that as a 'What's wrong' kinda thing "Do you know who Tyler is? Or are you thinking of someone else?" "Wait you said 'Tyler'?" Jerome asked "Yeah I said Tyler" He sighed in relief "What's wrong with saying-" I was cut off by Jerome mumbling something and laughter by of course, Brotato and a confused voice.

"Oh my god dude really? Hahaha" That's what I believe was Tyler "Would you stop laughing! I'm serious about that!" A different voice came and then we heard Jerome... growl? Next thing we knew someone was running from Tyler "Hey where are you going?? WATCH OUT!!" He stopped in front of Jerome giggling "Really, just REALLY?" Jerome said "Umm yeah and why did you growl?" "I thought you were in trouble Ty. You think I wouldn't?" Jerome said and may I add that Ty looks really cute with his half purple half green headphones, white V neck with a black out line. You know, his cute- Wait WHAT?? Did I just call the new student cute?!?! Ok I will say he is really cute I can't help it we are all gay in this group.

We all start walking to our house "Hey can they come over Sky? Please??" Jason and Tyler both asked "Ok fine they can come with us over to our house" They both cheered when I said that. I think they like each other. I look over at Ty and Jerome and they have suprized looks on their faces. "What's wrong? Do yall want to come over?" Everyone looked over at them and Ty said "We never really had any friends before" Mitch and I gasp "Seriously?!" We say they both nod "Do yall at least play video games?" Brotato ask

"Minecraft for life!" Jerome says and runs in front of us where Mitch is "Oh no not again, it's happening" Ty says "What's happening?" I ask "in 3... 2... 1... now" He says and Jerome says right after "Catch me if you can Dragonlox" then he turns to a puppy and Ty now looks shocked I mean he just said Dragonlox "Hey wait up! Jerome!" Mitch says turning into a wolf "Dragonlox come on go to your Dragon f-" and before I knew it, Ty was- Wait WHAT?? Is he above me??? I look up to see a dragon but I don't know what type of dragon. We all start running till we get tired

*Time skip to the Sky home*

~Ty's pov~

"Great Jerome now my wings will stay out because of you fluffy puppy" I said kinda mad because Jerome knows that I hate going in to my Dragon form. "Hey was that you in the air or someone else?" Adam asked and he was wait blushing a little meh "Did you see what I was?" I asked him almost mad at him but a made sound like I was talking normal but still worried "A dragon right?" He said and Jerome is now laughing. I was getting really angry at Jerome, he knows how much I hate people finding out my secret hybrid "JEROME!!" "I'M SORRY!!!" He said right back "I hate you so much right now first day and you already make me turn into my hybrid" I say really mad and the others come running, well other then me, Jerome, Mitch, and Adam. "What toke you guys so long?" Mitch asked "We... were... RUNNING!!!!" Tyler said "Hey it looks like Ty isn't the only one mad" Mitch says and both Mitch and Jerome laugh "MITCH, JEROME!!" Me and Tyler say together "Come on let's go inside. I'm hungry!" Jason said and we all agreed with it.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End Of Chapter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Thanks guys!! Also everyone can have a Cookie *Hands everyone out a heart shaped cookie*

I'm Minicat824 sighing off♤♡◇♧

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