Chapter 1: Together Again

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I knocked on Oliver's door praying that he would answer and he did. "Sara?" He asked looking really happy, I smiled and replied "it's me Ollie, I'm back home."
          "Do you want to come in? I'm so sorry about Laurel."
          "It's fine. And sure I'll come in." I answered

We were sitting on the couch talking, I told Oliver about why I left and how much I actually hated Rip. Oliver nodded and smiled I could tell he understood. I asked "is slade still out there?"
          "Yes. But I'll protect us we have nothing to worry about." Ollie smiled reassuringly then he looked down at my lips. He leaned in and kissed me. I kissed him back and the next thing I knew I was sitting on his lap smiling. "Hey Sara?" I made a noise saying that I was listening "I was wondering. Do you wanna try this again?" I smiled nodded and replied "I would love that."
          "By the way. We need a new black canary. You want the position?"
          "Absolutely!" I exclaimed.

*back at the ship - 3rd person for the rest of the story*

The whole team had been different since Sara left. Rip felt incredibly bad for sending her away and Mick felt like he had no friends left.

The whole team was sitting in the bridge silently when Ray broke the silence. "So, where is Savage Gideon?" The whole team looked at Gideon and she replied "Vandal Savage is currently hiding out as apart of the Bratva, the russian mob."
          "We need Sara..." Jax said shaking his head staring angrily at Rip and Rip just shrugged.

*The next day at the arrow cave*

The past night Sara had walked to Laurels house, which had been left to her in her sisters will, but little did the team know that on her way home she was kidnapped by the one person who wanted two people dead badly, her included.

Oliver was smacking a hammer onto a huge tyre when Felicity walked in shocked. "Oliver! Oliver calm down!" She said running to him "what's wrong?"
          "Sara hasn't contacted me for 4 hours."
          "I'm sure she's fine. She probably just wants some space." Oliver shook his head and then a crackling sound from the computors and the two ran to the main computor.

"Felicity what's happening?" Oliver said worried
          "I don't know, I think someone might be trying to hack us." Almost as soon as she said that someone appeared...

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