Counting Down The Days

Start from the beginning

When I finished the story he made a few questions but soon enough my mom called us to eat. Julian and my mom made conversation so I had time to take in the story I just told my best friend. Saying it out loud made it seem a hundred times more real.

"And what's gonna happen now? I mean, you two just gonna go with the flow? Or ignore each other or what?" He asked worriedly once we were in my room again, leaning on his knees to look closer at me.

"I don't know, I guess everything's gonna go like before I told him I love him." I shrugged.

Julian chuckled shortly.

"Miles, lets chill for a second. I mean, you might like him and all 'cause he's great but, are you sure you love him?" He asked with a gentle smile on his face.

I knew what he meant, you usually fall in love with people as more and more you get to know them and spend time with them, and I was just starting to do that, barely.

"I-I don't know, I'm convinced that what I feel is more thank liking but, maybe I love the image I made of him, not the actual him."

He nodded and gave me a small smile. Until today I've never seen him smile so much, he was really making me feel better, I was starting to see everything as a good experience instead of the end of the world.

"Good, it's very important that you know that." He said an patted my shoulder, getting up to throw himself on my bed.

We stayed talking for a couple more hours. He never said anything judgamental or mean, he just listened and tried to give me advice. He said he doesn't want me to get hurt, he said that if Alex really likes me then he'll come to me, that I don't have to worry. When we said out goodbyes he thanked me for telling him everything, he was happy knowing I trust him with something so important like this.

I didn't do much the rest of the day, Juls invited me to go out with the rest of the lads but I said no, I was in a lazy mood. I watched a few movies with my mum and then went to my room to write, I had many ideas for a new song, at least one good thing came out of this mess.

On Monday morning I walked inside the school building with bags under my eyes. I was miraculously only a few minutes late. The night before I stayed up more than necessary thinking about the situation, I had class with Alex two days a week, Monday was one of them. First period.

"Heya babe Kane!" Damon said from behind me, pulling me away from my thoughts.

I turned around and smiled at him, jumping into his arms playfully. "Sup mate?"

"Chill out, please," he laughed and we pulled away, his eyes went wide as he glanced at me. "Damn you look wrecked!"

I rolled my eyes and shoved him away. "I know, I slept like four hours."

"Eh... someone's keeping you up all night?" He smirked.

"Shut up," I rolled my eyes and started walking to first class, keeping my mind busy with something that wasn't Alex, and failing. Damon joined me close without saying a word, he had this class with Juls and me. The worst thing: We were late, meaning Alex was obviously going to see me and my heart was obviously going to stop and I'll want to cry in front of everyone.

"After you my love," said Damon with an adorable smile as he held the door open for me. I laughed and for a moment, I forgot Alex was inside.

Before I had the time to freak out I rushed in with my head down and sat besides Julian. I heard Damon said hello and apologize for being late, before sitting on the other side of me. When I glanced at Juls he had the biggest smile on his face, almost laughing. I glanced at Damon and he had a confused look on his face, poor clueless guy.

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