Chapter 3.1

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Vincent's POV

September 8

Mushroom pizza.

My stomach growled at the thought of mushroom pizza. I looked around for Joy's purse so I could go out and buy some and satisfy the ache in my belly, but I couldn't find it in the drawers. Sighing at the disheveled table, at her cluttered mess, I rearranged all her books and files with bated breath.

Still no purse.

I tiptoed my way to the kitchen in lieu of my frustration, looking about to see if anyone was around. The last thing I wanted was to meet any of her family; they all seemed to hate me, and I wasn't sure I wanted to know why but it ate at me. Tore me to pieces.

They wouldn't starve their daughter, would they? The thought was absolutely horrifying.

I summoned my courage and decided to ask. Knocking on her bedroom door, however, proved futile.

Just as I was about to turn back, someone slapped me hard on my back. Wincing, I looked up to see Joy's older brother Daniel. Taller than I thought, more level-headed.

"You shouldn't be here right now," he warned, nudging me away.

Her mother entered the house just then, and as I stared, I was thrown off guard.

"Hey, mom," I said cautiously. Whoa! Why did I sounded like an actress (or actor?) in a bad weekend drama when I said that?

She stared at me angrily.

''Do you need money again?'' She snarled, ''I thought we had this conversation already.''

Where did the kind and loving mother go?

Biting back the harsh reply that would certainly not help my case, I held my composure, my tongue.

Her brother cut in.

"Mom, I thought you would be late today..."

''Why?'' she barked at him and he jumped, startled. Poor chap. "Do you want me to go back again!? First your sister and now you." 

What the hell was going on in this house? Some sort of family drama? 

Once Joy's mother moved away- Wait, let me correct that- stomped away angrily, I looked at Daniel with a helpless expression.

"You know you should be focusing on avoiding them, not actively seeking them out," he murmured, not really looking me in the eye.

''Huh?'' I could only stare at him stupidly. Was Joy in trouble for something? No way, she was a goody two shoes, why would she do something to piss off her parents? Well, whatever had happened, this explained her dad's strange behaviour in the morning. 

At least my assumption of her turning out to be an abused kid was wrong. I had started to imagine worst case scenario.

The thought itself still made me angry.

"You told me yourself that you'd rather not hear them say what they want to say. Just promise me that you won't take any of it to hear." Daniel explained. Although he wasn't helping. At all.

I nodded, deciding that I would worry about her issues later and would focus on solving my own first. About to retreat to my room and gather my thoughts, I was stopped by the appearance of another person—her dad.

Please, kill me now. 

I know this chapter is short but let me tell you this, I have a huge surprise for you all in the next chapter and I hope you guys would love it! ;) 

I have good news! This story won the first place in The Golden Awards humour category!!! Yay! Thank you so much!

I'm wondering if I should update the next chapter this Wednesday... What do you think? I am so excited and can't wait to see your reactions when you read the next chapter hehe. I feel like I already gave away major hints but oh well. 

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