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(19 years ago)(Skyler POV:)
I woke up on a Saturday morning in my mansion/house and My Husband Ben wasn't in bed so I got up and put on my bath rope and went downstairs. I walked down the circular stairs and I saw my husband watching TV.
Me: GoodMorning Honey
Ben: GoodMorning
Me: so what do u want to do today
I sat on the couch next to him
Ben: well my sister Olivia is coming over to tell us something
Me: ok well I'm going to go get ready.
I  gave him a kiss and got up from the couch and walked upstairs. I was walking up when I got a little dizzy. Then I started walking and got to the room and put on some blue jeans with a pink crop top. I put on some blue flats and curled my long black and hair. Then I heard the door bell and I super speeded down stairs. I saw Olivia coming in.
O: hi  
Me: Hi Olivia
O: hey man I haven't been here in a while
Ben: ha I wonder why
Then we heard another knock and I walked to the door and opened it. It was the Thundermans.
Me: hi Thunderman
Hank: hey Skyler I hope we didn't come at a bad time
Ben: of course not
Me: well come in
Barb: so why we came here is because we need help on something
Me: what is it
Hank: so theirs a new villain in town and I was wondering if u could help is defeat them
Ben: them..??
Barb: ya remember Emma and Tyler from superhero school???
Me: ya
Hank: they turned evil and are coming after u guys and us
O: why
Barb: idk that's why we want u guys to help us capture them
I looked at Ben and Ben nodded ay me
Me: well do it
Hank: great
Ben: so when do we start????
(A couple a months later)
I was putting on my mission suit on. It was a black lether suit wih black lether heels with my black long hair down. That's what the girls wear and the boys wear awarded black jeans with black shoes with a black t shirt with a lether jacket over. Were training and talking about a plan we should do. Then training was over and I went out with Barb Hank and Ben to have a nice quite dinner. We went to Ruby Tuesday and I got chicken pasta which was bomb. Then all of a sudden the light go out and all we see and here is a person super speeding. We saw it was Tyler and he grabbed me and took me with him. Then he stopped on top of the biggest building in Hiddenville.
T: hello Skyler
Me: what do u want Tyler didn't u see that I was eating peacefully
T: ur wired
Me: whatever
Then I saw Ben, Hank, Barb and Olivia superspeed behind me.
Me: what took u guys so long
Ben looked at me and rolled his eyes
O: we stopped by McDonald's on the way here
Me: seriously...???
O:  I was just being sarcastic
Then they had their mission suits on and I quickly puffed mine on me. Then Emma puffed infront of us.
E: aww the gains all here
B: where...???
E: nevermind
T: so ur all probably wondering why were trying to kill u
Hank: ya we are
E: well see in superhero Acadamy u guys were the popular one and me and him were the loser so what we want to do is hit rid of all of u and then we become superhero and the whole world is going to love us
Me: that's ur plan
E: ya why
Ben: well because we thought it was more exotic than what u just told us
O: how about his let's quite talking and get fighting
T: sounds like a plan
O: I don't feel likes it fair tho
Ben: what do u mean
O: their out numbered
Then two other people puffed up
O: technically my point still stands
Then we fought I took on Emma with Ben and Olivia was fighting Tyler and Hank had one other guy and Barb had another girl.
We were fighting and seriously it see like forever I keep throwing fireballs at Emma and Ben was too and some other powers on her and then all of a sudden I just get tired of it and I shoot lightning with my hands. Everybody stopped and looked at me. I didn't know I could of done that and then my powers were more powerful than usual then Tyler looked me with a smile.
Ben: what was that
Me: I....don't......know....
Hank: u ok
Me: ya I'm fine
Emma: so Skyler weren't u born into evil powers or something like ur parents were evil and then they died
Me: ya
Tyler: and didn't ur mother have lightning powers
Ben looked at me.
Tyler put us in handcuffs and on chairs. He sat me down on next to him and he pulled a knife up to my throat.
E: if u want to live ur going to do something for me
B: leave her alone
Me: what do u want
Then they looked at eachother and smiled.
T: well we were hoping u can help us with a little something
Me: which is
E: Since u were born to evil I want u to kill someone for me
Me: what
T: we've seen ur records and we got to say that U have some experience with murder
Me: ya but that was when I was younger
T: so
Then I broke out of the handcuffs using the lightning powers
Me: u know what I'm done with u two
Then I broke the rest of the gang out of their handcuffs
(Ben POV:)
When Skyler did that it reminded me of her mother. And  I met her mother and she was not a very nice women. Then she used her powers to break out of the handcuffs
S: u know what I'm am done with u two
Then she broke us out of the handcuffs. And then she came wih us and we I looked at her eyes and they looked red.
Me: Honey, ur eyes
S: what about them
Hank: their.........
S: their what?????
Barb: their red
Then she looked scared and she looked at her hands and looked scared.
E: uh what's wrong Skyler
Then I saw Skyler's get mad and her hair turning darker black.
S: SHUT UP!!!!!!!!
She quickly turned around and hit them both with her lightning powers.
Me: Skyler....
S: WHAT!!!
Me: chill out
Then she chill down and looked at me
S: what is wrong with me
Then I hear a gun shot. I look down on my stomach and I see blood and I fall down
S: Ben!!!!!!!
She comes up to be and she put my head on her lap
ME: I....... Love......... U
S: don't say that
And I saw Hank, Barb and Olivia crying. Then I see black.
(Skyler POV:)
Me: don't say that
Then he closes his eyes and stops breathing
Me: Ben.........no......please.....come back
Then I looked up to see Tyler holding the gun in his hand.
Me: ur going to pay for what u did
T: aww.....I'm sorry
Then I get up and superspeed to him and shoved my hand in his chest and take out his heart.
O: Skyler what are u doing???
Hank: Skyler stop
Me: don't tell me what to do!!!
Then I hit them all with my powers. And I crush his heart and he falls down
E: what did u do!!!!
Me: it hurt doesn't it
E: ur going to pay
Me: I'm right here
Then she superspeed away.
Barb: what did u do Skyler
Me: what had to be done
I wake up fast.
Me: is that a flash back????

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