1st Part/ Ψηαπτερ 1

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Mikleo's POV

"Are you alright, mister?" She asked me while slightly tilting her head. I could see a bit of worry in her eyes.

My eyes widened in her presence and I'm still mesmerize by her appearance. Not only did she appear out of nowhere, she also held out her hand to help me... a stranger to her.

I slowly reach her hand. It is so soft and so smooth- wait, I'm like a pervert. I answered her,

"Yeah, thank-" my words were suddenly cut off when I realized something, I'm a seraph... a spirit... normal people couldn't see me... so, how?

I stand up, leaving my sitting state, and ask,"Ne, how could you see me?"

"How? Well, it's because I can sense seraph and malevolence even from far away", she smiles. "Anyway, back to my question, are you okay? Is any part of you hurt?" Her smile turned to be a bit of worry, which I find cute.

Wait... Did I just say cute? Oh well, it is quite true.

Her hands let go of mine, but cupped my face. I could feel a tint of pink on my cheeks.

"Y-yes, I-I'm alright, n-no worries." Am I stuttering?

Miyuki's POV

When I told him that I could sense seraph and malevolence even from far, it is true.

I noticed that my hands ate still in his face like it wouldn't leave. His face is pale and smooth yet it is burning up. Maybe because of my actions...

"Thank God that you're alright." I leaned closer to his face with a little sigh. But I quickly turn away.

"Um, this might be a little late ,but, my name is Mikleo. Can I at least know the name of my beautiful savior?" He asks. I could feel a smile drawing on my face.

3rd Person POV

A smile could be seen in Miyuki's face as Mikleo introduces himself and asks her name.

"Are you perhaps asking about me?" She asks with a little confidence.

"Well, who else would be such as beautiful as you?" Mikleo replied with a smirk on his face.

Miyuki chuckles as she turns around and replies,

"Then let me introduce myself since who else would be such as beautiful as me... I am Miyuki, a seraph like you..."She gave a close eyed smile while her hair swings elegantly.

"Nice to meet you, Mikleo!"

"Same here, nice to meet you, too..." Mikleo said while staring at her with awe.

Wrapped With Malevolence^Mikleo X OC (Tales Of Zestiria The X Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now