They run past the fountain and into the station. "Did they say what's wrong?" Mahoney asks.

Crystal searches for the right place to go, "Nope, but she sounded like something was wrong."

She spots it and begins to head towards the right platform. The shoulder of a lean man in a green hoodie bumps into her. Crystal stumbles back. Something falls from his pocket and she picks it up. In her hands is a small stone she has seen before, it is decorated with four different symbols. Crystal's heart races, she looks, but the guy has disappeared into the crowd.

Mahoney runs up to her, "You okay?"

"Crystal! Run! They know who you are!"

Crystal turns toward the sound of Demetri's voice. He and Page come running at them, pushing people out of the way with three women dressed in black hoodies, obvious fake blonde wigs, and dark sunglasses follwoing in hot pursuit. Mahoney grabs her hand and they run to the exit. They burst through the doors and look for Jake's car, but its gone.

"Where do we go?!" Page exclaims.

"Jake's car is gone," Crystal explains searching for another option. The three women burst through the doors. "Who are they?"

"Bad news," is all Page has the chance to say before a random gust of wind tries to blow them down. Crystal's mind races, they're benders.  "They have been trying to kill us the entire train ride!"

Crystal gasps. The Camp told them to be discreet with their bending, but if these people were trying to kill her friends, she is willing to throw that policy out the window. She stomps her foot, extends her fist out and pulls them in. The top layer of the ground beneath the women's feet moves towards Crystal causing them to fall to their backs. "The other side of the fountain, go!"

They take off, using the few seconds Crystal bought them. Mahoney turns and bends a blast of fire they send at them into the fountain. Bystanders outside the station scream and begin to panic. There goes the discreet policy. Crystal looks over at the three women, the steaming fountain is the only thing separating them.

One firebender, one airbender. What's the third?

The water in the fountain takes the shape of two large tentacles. She just had to wonder. The tentacles come crashing down on them. Page and Crystal stop their descent and push them back to their sender.

The waterbender pulls the tentacles apart and they fall around the three. "Welcome to America Avatar immigrant."

"I'm a citizen." Crystal defends.

"Not of born," One says.

"Born in China," Another adds.

"It will be an honor," the waterbender starts.

"To end you," the first one finishes.

Page, Demetri, and Mahoney step in front of her.

"Not going to happen," Mahoney tells them.

A flash of green catches Crystal's eye. A large chunk of the Earth rises up and slides towards her at an alarming speed. Crystal bends the water and pulls her friends in the fountain. Air gathers around her and she jumps up missing the rock by mere inches. She lands and sends a blast of air at the boy from before sending him backwards. She turns and punches toward the three women. A blast of fire fires out and the firebender splits it from hitting them.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Crystal demands.

The firebender smirks, "We were sent to bring you a greeting from the Bending Underground."

Crystal opens her mouth to say something, but the waterbender reacts faster. She bends the water out of the fountain and sends it at her in the shape of a giant frozen spear.

"Crystal!" Page screams.

Crystal reacts quickly and bends the spear around her turning it back into water. She bends it back to the woman. The firebender throws a fire ball at the water. Smoke erupts from the moment of contact. When it disappears the women are gone.

"What is going on?!"

Crystal cringes and turns to see Jake standing in front of her. Her friends are standing drenched in the fountain, she's standing in the shallow trench the rock made, and he probably saw her bend the elements. "I-uh-I can explain."

People were starting to gather and stare. Page, Mahoney, and Demetri walk up cautiously.

"People are staring, we need to go," Demetri whispers.

Fear creeps into Crystal's mind. "I'll explain everything on the way, but we need to go... Please, Jake."

 Jake bites his lower lip. He turns, "Come on, the car is this way."

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