Time to Go

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After you exited the jewelry shop and lunged a couple shopping bags, you heaved a sigh. You cursed in your mind about how far each place has to be and how long it takes to look for everything. Taking a look at a near clock in town, the time read around 11 in the morning.

It already took 2 hours to scour thoroughly for many things, and you had to be back by 3, so you have only 4 hours to continue before getting home unnoticed.

Thinking about where to go next, you saw a sale of rare dangos going out in a nearby shop. A lightbulb went off in your head, and you secured your bags to your arms and dashed to the entrance.

The regular price was around 500 yen, but it was a half price off situation, due it to it being a Christmas season, so you bought around 5 boxes for Itachi. Knowing that he probably never tried this flavor, you were more than happy to buy some for him.

Leaving the store, you placed your gifts on a bench and sat next to them, feeling the energy drained out of you. You had to admit that carrying all of that stuff was making you feel tired. Maybe it was due to lack of exercise in the morning, or you were just old, but you felt really breathless.

Then you thought of something you never did until now.

Getting up, you pulled an empty scroll out and wrote some kanjis and symbols inside with ink you brought along just in case.

Finished, you transferred all of the gifts and materials inside, making it easier on yourself.

“Geez, why didn’t I do this earlier?” You questioned yourself dumbly.

It was a good thing you did that quickly, because you felt two familiar chakras nearing the area you were in, so you scrambled to fold the scroll back and hide somewhere in the bushes, hiding your chakra. Although you earned a few stares from bystanders.

Squeezing your eyes shut, you recognized the chakras to be Itachi and Sasori’s.

So they were in the area, you thought. Maybe they’re on a mission. Come to think of it, you remembered that you have a day off today, so you breathed easy about getting scolded for ditching your job.

Moments later, the chakras disappeared and you scurried somewhere else.

That was really close.

Keeping your scroll close to you in a pocket, you emerged from somewhere and quickly overlooked your list for the next thing.

Whatever things left on the list were: fish, plant, and candy.

Running for a candy store in town, you found a suitable one and quickly grabbed a bag to stuff all sorts of candy into and paid for the contents at the register. The old lady there smiled at you and you smiled in return, before thanking the elder and heading somewhere else.

Still, you kind of hoped that Tobi doesn’t stuff himself silly with candy until he explodes. Which might be Deidara’s job.

[Time Skip brought to you by Itachi’s ‘dangos’]

Making your last stop, you came to a pet store and quickly scoured the aisles to find the fish section. Brightening up at the sight of a colorful goldfish, you called someone to take care of it and you giggled at how it glubs in your hands as you hold up the transparent string pouch containing the seafood. [:D]

With Kisame’s gift secured, you walked into a next door flower shop and was astounded to find all sorts of rare flowers and common ones as well. Some of them were herbs, that you realized the group was lacking in for any medication, so you asked the flower girl to get you some, while picking a plant for Zetsu among the rows of carnivorous plants in the corner.

When one was about to grab at some of your slender fingers, you swiped them away and glared menacingly at it, causing the plant to droop in fear. You saw one that really caught your attention, so you asked for that to be bagged.

Checking your watch, you were just in time to get about home.

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