Chapter 2: Nowhere to Run

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-----------Yoshiki Kishinuma---------

Where is Shinozaki? If I don't find her soon, she'll go insane. She can't handle being alone in a situation like this... damnit Shinozaki. Where are you?

Yoshiki rushes through the halls of the second building, thoughts of Ayumi consuming him. The stench of decay is caked into the floorboards, absorbed into the ceiling, and splattered onto the walls. Its odor becomes lesser the longer he walks on, but the smell never truly goes away. Also the consistent array of dead bodies of middle and high schoolers that we trapped in the school previously were scattered about the building. Some left behind notes, entailing their last words, but reading them made him feel uneasy, so he decided to stop. Sadly, it didn't even affect Yoshiki when he saw a body anymore, it being a long-since death or a more recent one.

Another victim, brutally annihilated by the spirits of elementary school students, he thought.

Yoshiki didn't honestly know where to look, he just traveled through every openable door, up every staircase, around every corner. Unfortunately, there was no sign of the pigtail-clad girl that had been on his mind. He was about to lose his hope of finding her when he came across the door he was looking for. The door that crosses over to the first building. He could hear the patter of rain behind it. This was definitely the right one.

He pushes open the old wooden door, its hinges eerily creaking along with it. There's an awning over the walkway, so the rain doesn't fall onto him. He pads over to the railing and looks up to the sky. The sky is jet black with no light or stars to illuminate it with an array of trees scattered below. Yoshiki holds out his arm out into the rain, the cold droplets lightly showering his hand. It gives him a sense of feeling again, for he was starting to lose even that. His will to keep going was getting weaker every minute he was away from Ayumi, but he had to stay strong if he wanted to find her. He had to keep going for Ayumi.

After looking over his thoughts once more, Yoshiki then proceeded into the first building. The air was a lot less thick than the previous, but the halls carried a much quieter and more cryptic feel. Enough even to make the hairs on the back of your head stand up upon entry.

Nonetheless, the determined Yoshiki set out to find his girl, much like a brave knight going to rescue the damsel in distress. (That's how he thought of it anyway). He decided that once he found her, he would tell her how he feels about her. How she makes his heart beat out of his chest whenever she's there, and how her smile lights up his entire day, and how he cares about her far more than that damn Satoshi.

Maybe then I can get her to realize that she has feelings for me, too... I mean, after all this time we've spent together and after all we've been through. How could Shinozaki not possibly feel something towards me? Well, I just...I just love her so much... and I truly want her to love me back.

Yoshiki's every step creaks and squeaks throughout the worn down hallways, the echoes bouncing off the molding walls. When suddenly, he begins to hear a particular and familiar sound again. The sound of children laughing, a little boy to be exact. The same laugh of the same little boy that haunts the school. The same little boy that almost killed him before. Ryou Yoshizawa.

Out of nowhere, the ghastly Ryou appeared directly in front of Yoshiki.

D-Don't look him in the eyes, whatever happens, just don't look into his eyes!


Ryou develops a bewildering look onto his face and disappears into the darkness, the blue glow from his form slowly fading away.

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