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1. The world loves to call me as: Namiya 

2. Wattpad calls me as: Niana24

3. Teen: 16 years

4. Prefer marture or normal romance ro write: normal

5. My favourite genre: werewolf and romance

6. The book i am officially addicted to: The wallflower's revenge

7. Lyrics i love to hum and hum again: Faded

8. Movie or character i compare myself with: Rapunzel from tangled

9. Likes: reading, public speaking and watching The Flash and supernatural. i am obsessed with captain america (from marvel) and Batman (the dark knight trilogy)

10. Dislikes: mango, iron man, and my brother

11. My first crush: Robert pattinson from twilight (my first romance movie i have ever watched)

12. My dreams: to become a gynecologist and help woman achieve equality in life while making my parents proud😄

I, hereby, vow my loyalty to club and promise to give the entartaining side of me:) to it!!

Signature __Nn_

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