Chapter 1

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Nowadays Saphir lives in the forest with her best friend in the whole entire world, a glow worm called Cuddles.

He had found Saphir one day, walking through the deep, dark forest all by herself with nothing to eat and no shelter.

He had asked her what she was doing all alone in the forest and she had told him her story. Her story of how she had gone lost.

Every day Saphir and Cuddles would stay in the little hole in a big stone, Cuddles home and mainly sleep. At night on the other hand they would come out of their hiding place and enjoy the nature of the night time.


Tonight Saphir feels kind of adventurous. "Let's go further than that oak tree over there", she says to Cuddles, her eyes sparkling bright with excitement.

"It's too dangerous out there, Saphir, you know that", Cuddles warns her, looking kind of worried.

They had never gone any further than the oak tree and Cuddles was never really bothered about it, because he knows that up until the oak tree they are safe.

"Come on, be a bit adventurous. Don't you also want to know what lies behind the tree?" Saphir pleads, using her puppy dog eyes to persuade him.

Cuddles hates it, when Saphir uses her puppy dog eyes, because she knows exactly that he will give in eventually.

"It's too dangerous!" he repeats. "Fine, I will go by myself then", she answers looking disappointed.

After these words, Saphir flies off, leaving Cuddles all alone behind. Cuddles watches her fly away all by herself into the dark, creepy forest. After a short while, he decides to fly after her.

He quickly catches up with Saphir and they proceed together. By now, it is really dark and they can't see very well anymore.

Suddenly they hear some creepy noises that seem to be coming towards them. These noises are high pitched. Scared they fly faster and faster to escape the mysterious sounds without looking exactly where they are heading, until it is too late....................

Okay, so this was the first chapter. We really hope you enjoyed it. The next chapter will be published, if we have 10 votes on each of our pages for the book :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2016 ⏰

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