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If you knew Dan and Phil, you would understand why they each had their own different opinions on Sundays. Dan, the more anxious and stressed out of the two, LOVED Sundays. It was a day to relax, to let go of all his worries and just browse the internet on his famous sofa crease. Phil, however, HATED Sundays. There was just NOTHING to do. He would bounce from one place to another, walking into rooms without purpose and standing looking lost for a moment.
“Dan, can we do something?” Phil moaned loudly at about one in the afternoon, taking a seat in the center of the lounge and staring up at his friend with big puppy dog eyes.
“No Phil, I'm quite happy here thanks.” Said Dan, not even taking a moment to glance at the man on the floor, who pouted at the rejection.
“But I'm BORED!” The blue-eyed man answered in a childish voice, dragging his butt along the ground until he sat at Dan's feet.
“Go for a walk or something!” Dan giggled, rolling his big brown eyes. Phil looked horrified for a second.
“Are you telling me to exercise?” He asked, and the younger man on the couch sighed an over exaggerated sigh, tipping his head back on the cushions. “come on Dan, please? Pretty please please please?” Phil begged, poking Dan's legs repeatedly to keep his attention.
“I'm not sure what you want me to do Phil.” Dan said, twitching his legs to try and avoid Phil's poking. Seeing Dan caving in, Phil grinned and pounced on the couch beside his best friend.
“How about….A TICKLE FIGHT?” he suggested, and began reaching for Dan's neck, where Dan was most sensitive.
“Phil! No, Phil you're going to knock my laptop!” Phil grabbed Dan's laptop and placed it gently on the floor, straddling Dan's hips and resuming his tickling. Dan twitched and writhed under Phil's fingertips, laughing uncontrollably. “Oh you're gonna get it now!” Dan yelled, rolling on top of the older man, tickling his most sensitive spots. The two tumbled to the floor as they fought, Dan eventually landing on top of Phil, cheering victoriously as the other cried “Mercy!” Dan then pinned Phil's arms to the floor, leaning down so their noses were touching. “satisfied?” he asked in a low voice, and Phil swallowed loudly, looking up into Dan's caramel irises.
“Not quite.” he dared to say, and Dan smirked. He then leaned down to kiss the older boy softly, who melted beneath him. “that was nice…” he breathed as Dan pulled away, gently getting off of Phil and helping him up.
“Why don't we watch a movie?” Dan suggested, and Phil nodded enthusiastically.
As the two sat cuddled on the couch, Dan occasionally twisting to give Phil soft little kisses on his cheeks, nose and lips, Phil decided that he didn't hate Sundays so much after all.

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