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Time skip to lunch
Garroth's POV)
   I'm thankful that Laurence and I have all the same classes for one, we can walk with each other to every class and talk and two, when we talk I get to learn some things about him. The bell rang and I started to gather my papers and supplies when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and saw Laurence there with a big smile. "It's lunch time, lets got food in starving!" He shouts. I quickly gather all my papers and stick them in my bag. "They can be sorted at home." I say. "Alright let's go!" He says grabbing my hand and drags me to lunch. "You know I can walk." I said and starts to slow do and doesn't let go of my hand. "Sorry." He says as he in heavily breathing. "You ok?" I ask him and he looks at me and nods, then starts to smile. "U-um L-l-Laurence?" I say. "Yeah what's up?" He asks. "I w-was going to a-ask if you might w-ant to hang out at my h-h-house later?" I stutter. He starts to blush and says "s-sure." I look at him and smile as we both start to blush and walk up to the line in the cafeteria to get some food. After we both grab our food and we head to sit down we pass a group called "The Shadow Knights" and some guy stands up who is a lot taller the Laurence. He nocks the food out of his hand and pins him to the wall. "G-Garroth, get help." He said. "Oh so you need your little boyfriend to help you because your to weak to do anything." The guy says. "Gene leave me alone." Laurence says with tears forming in his eyes. This pisses me off, and I shove Gene off of Laurence and punch him in the nose. He starts to grab his nose and says "Feisty I see." And shoves me to the ground when I took a few punches. Laurence yells and tackles Gene. He throws a few hits and Gene shoves him off and started walking away. "L-Laurence, are you o-ok?" I ask him and he looks at me with tears in his eyes and fully starts to cry. He hugs me so tight and it warmed me up on the inside. "Am I ok, what about you?" "You just took at least 5 punches to the face. I start to cry as well. At this point lunch is out least worries. We walk outside and talk since we have about 30 minutes to eat we still had some time to talk. Laurence starts to head somewhere and said that he would be right back. After about a minute or two I see Laurence come back with something in his hand. It's an ice pack. He starts to hold it gently up against my eye and smiles. "I'm happy your ok." He says. I grab his other hand and we both start to smile, he's even blushing. "I'm not worried about me, I'm just happy he didn't hurt you." We both start to blush big time and start to lean and close our eyes for a kiss, by the bell rang. We both opened our eyes and had to start walking to 6th period so we wouldn't be late. We had gym class for 6th so you could pretty much do what ever after you finished the workout. Laurence and I workout together since you had to work out with a partner. We had to spot each other as we did weights and a few other things. The workout only lasted about 10 minutes and we still had a while so we walk over and grab a basketball and start to play. "Good luck sweet heart." He says and I blush. "Y-you too." I says and we start to play. After he completely smoked me at the game, we walked to the vending machine and bought some bottled water. We then went to sit down by the wall and talked. I held his hand and he smiled. I was a little bummed out from not getting to kiss him earlier. So I lean in and kiss him on the cheek. His whole face turned cherry red and he nearly fainted. Thankfully, he didn't. After the next few periods ended we walked together to our last class of the day, science. I absolutely suck at science but Laurence seemed pretty happy about it. When we walked into class we took seats right next to each other. The teacher called role and told us to find a partner and that we would be working with this partner all year so chooses wisely. Of course Laurence and I were partners and all we had to do was read over a packet that has a list of things to choose from to do you project. "Ok students, you and your partner will have 1 week to complete and turn in the project of your choice. Laurence and I talked about what we wanted to do and we decided on life cycles. This was something I was really good at, Laurence said that he wasn't the best but could do it. So we thought how about we buy a poster board and glue some pictures that we could draw of life cycles and have a few facts around the board. When we agreed on what to do we went and told the teacher and he told us we had the rest of the period to just talk. So thats what we did. "Are you still wanting to to come o-over when schools out?"I ask and he nods his head and smiles. 5 minutes left class start to gather your bags s for papers line up at the door. When the bell rang Laurence and I were pushed many times and I fell. He tried to help me up but someone shoved him and our lips connected. It felt like fireworks and I kissed back. After a few seconds of kissing he stands up and grabs my hand to help me up and we start walking to my house. Luckily it was a Friday so we got the weekend to hang out as well. (It was Garroth's first day of school not everyone's first that's why it's Friday) When we walked in my house Laurence slipped and fell straight on top of me. He looked into my eyes and smile. I blushed a lot to be so close and no one stare at us. We pressed his soft lips to mine and we made out for a couple of seconds until we had to break away for air. He grabbed my hand and pulled me off the ground pinning me to the wall. We continue to kiss until my phone starts ringing. I answer it and my mom says that she will be home earlier then usual and that I can have a sleepover tonight. I tell her thank you and that I love her and hang up. I look at Laurence and say "You want to spend the night?" And he says yes. Walked up to my room and put in a movie. It's a scary movie. We sit on my bed and input my arm around him. As the movie continues to get more and more scary. Laurence gets closer and closer to me. One part made him scream and he grabbed my arm and practically jumped in my lap. "It's ok my little bunny, I'll protect you. He looks at me and his face is completely red. He looks straight up at me and we kiss. A passionate kiss that we both enjoyed. We watched a few more movies and Laurence had his head still in my lap. I look so at him and hear soft snores. I kissed him forehead and ran my fingers through his hair. Just admiring his beauty. I think I'm in love.

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