Limelight Chapter 2: Envy and Gluttony

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Gorgiun pov

I watched the bright city lights from my suite. The view was interesting, but it still missed something.

"What is a beautiful thing like you doing all by yourself?"

I glanced behind me only to see Ferdingale Flatcher, the owner of the largest cars brand, Floyler, in North America and Europe combined. His grey eyes shone with mischief along with his crooked smile. He was handsome in many ways, but the soul says other wise.

I glanced at him for a minute before looking back at the view, "Trying to enjoy some peace and quiet, Mr. Flatcher."

He grabbed my left hand and kissed it while gazing up at me, "I believe I know the perfect place for some peace and quiet Ms. Gorgon."

I shivered in disgust, instantly removing my hand from his, "I'm okay right where I am, Mr.Flatcher."

For a flash moment, a look of anger covered his face, but he quickly masked it with a smile. I was able to see that his soul was dark and empty. There were some grey spots, and his soul looked angry and prideful. I felt pity for him, and hope that he can try to gain at least some humanity.

He leaned against the rail, "Please, Mr.Flatcher was my father, you can call me Ferdingale, or Gale for short."

"Please leave alone, Gale," I moved a little bit further from him.

He closed the door that connected the patio to the lively livingroom, and than locked it. Alarms went off in my mind, but I just seemed to ignore them. He than trapped me against the rail, but I just stood there looking up at him lazily.

He whispered in my ear, "I don't take no for an answer, sweet cheeks."

I just rolled my eyes, and placed my hand on his chest,"Your soul is very distasteful, really unappealing. I mean, the guy who shot Harambee was more tasteful," My hand glowed blue for a moment and then vanished. I pushed him back, and got a good look at his face.

His eyes were widened and he clenched his heart in pain and agony. He then started coughing out feathers and I smiled in amusement.

"You are now going to appear what you truly are."

From the inside I could hear a women scream, and I glanced up. Stupid humans, always acting upon their different emotions. Men and Women tried opening the door but stupid Gale just had to lock it with a key. I turned back to Gale, and his face was deformed and so were his arms. He shed his hair and feathers sprouted out of him until finally, he was a giant Bird. It was similar to a vulture, but oddly the first of its species.

I took out a notebook and pen from my bag and sketched the rare specimen, "Interesting, I might have to send you over to Gluttony later on."

As I was drawing, I saw people taking videos and talking on cellphones. Finally, I had enough of this. I snapped my fingers and a bright blue door appeared. I led the bird in and I glanced at the humans one more time. They looked at me in horror and in envy, maybe a bit of fright?

I finally entered through the doors and closed it, leading the giant bird through the long halls. I finally stopped at Gluttony, and I could hear screams of agony and pain. I just sighed and let myself in, bringing the bird with me.

I glanced at the room and nothing has changed, still the same old surgical tools, still the same old vault full of cash, and still the same old library. The only difference was that some of his surgical tools were missing and some of them were covered in blood. I just tied the bird up to the pole that was near the vault, and walked into another room where I knew that the source of screaming and terrors were.

I opened the door, and saw a short blonde hair boy slumped over a bloody body. I took a closer look and saw a man, probably no older that 30, tied to the bed with belts. He kept on thrashing, and screaming for help. His internal organs were on display for the world to see, and he looked at me with hopeful eyes. I glanced at the cameras that I knew Klinyon was watching us with and smiled.

"Gorgium, what are you doing here? Unless you've brought a new snack for me, please leave."

I huffed," Well sorry if you don't want to dissect a new type of bird species." I turned my back and smirked, he can never resist a new play thing.

I heard metal hit the floor and a dark chuckle from behind me, " You better not be joking Gorgium."

I brought out my drawing and showed it to him, he removed his blood stained gloves and threw them to the side. He grabbed my notebook and inspected it with a twinkle in his eyes. I smiled and walked out of the room, he followed me, and I showed him the large bird. He glazed at it in astonishment and gave me my sketch book back.

"You are certainly handsome," He looked at me with a wide smile, " I will take very good care of him Gorgium."

I just shrugged," No problem, besides he was annoying to me."

I walked out of that bloody room, and walked down the hallway towards the garden that I built outside. As I entered, I glanced at a white rose and was deep in thought.

This world is very beautiful on the inside and also on the outside. Humans remind me of a recipe, because it can either be a recipe for disaster or a recipe that will succeed and become a beautiful piece of art. It depends on what you add in and what type of ingredients you put into the pot, that will then decide their fate. Those pitiful humans, they always have a choice yet they ruin it and spoil the taste of their soul, and also of the main dish.

How pitiful.

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