Chapter 1: The Lonely Void

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------------Ayumi Shinozaki---------

How did this happen...? We just appeased Sachiko, so why am I still here? Shouldn't I be back home now?

These thoughts rattled through Ayumi's head as she tried to gather what exactly was happening. After Satoshi, Naomi, Yoshiki, Yuka and herself appeased Sachiko, the whole world turned white. They had broken the barrier of the school so that they could return to their world. But instead, she awoke to find herself against the cold, cracked floors of the all-too-familiar Heavenly Host Elementary School. Ayumi slowly arose from the floor of Classroom 1-A while she frantically looked around for everyone else.

"MOCHIDA! NAOMI! ARE YOU THERE?," Ayumi shouted into the darkness, but there was no response. As she fears of being alone, her nerves were quickly consuming her. While she ran through those silent halls of the first building, her heartbeat thumped in sync with each foot that sounded against the creaking floor. Shouting her friends' names into the nothingness, slowly but surely losing hope of finding anyone.

A breathless Ayumi came to a halt and she had made her way back to Classroom 1-A, having found no one. Then the realization hit. She was completely alone.

When she was here the first time, she had Yoshiki with her. As much as she would have rather been trapped with her beloved Mochida, Yoshiki had been relatively kind to her, so she couldn't really object. The duo made it through a lot together, and Yoshiki's being there had provided her with the courage she needed to get through all this. Only to be plunged into the overwhelming feeling of being trapped in the cursed school with no hope of escape yet again. Except Ayumi would be flying solo this round.

She slumped against the wall and started to cry.

How the hell am I supposed to make it through the school again...alone? I'm so lost with what to do without Kishinuma-kun. He really helped me through this the last time. I can't believe I'm saying this, but it wasn't so bad...being trapped with Kishinuma-kun. Besides, Mochida was only ever truly worried about his little sister Yuka and Naomi.

Oh I envy you. The way that Mochida looks at you...and the way you look at him. How both of your eyes light up in the other's presence. It's clear to see that you two possess feelings for one another, but if you two weren't so oblivious, you would be dating by now.

Mochida has never looked at me that way. And he never will. So I hope that wherever you two are now, may you be very happy together...because I never...even had...a chance...with him..

From all of that running, which made Ayumi very tired (physically and emotionally), she needed a place to rest. So she trudged through the cryptic halls once again, desperately looking for the nurse's office.

After for what seemed like an eternity, she finally came across the room she was looking for. Pulling open the door which read 'Nurse' on the front, Ayumi stepped into the strange room. The air became a lot thicker as the door ever-too-slowly creaked shut. She made her way over to one of the beds located in the corner of the room. They looked surprisingly clear of dust, which was rather odd. She plopped down onto the mattress closest to her, as she looked around at her surroundings.

A desk with some sort of book sitting on top splayed open to a random page. A broken space heater. A few dust-filled chairs. A light from the desk lamp. It illuminated a light orange glow throughout the room, providing the space with a small feel of serenity.

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