chapter two

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"Ok be ready at 6:45 tomorrow I'm coming to pick you up to take you to school," he said as he hung up.

I could feel him smirking. I decided to shower so I could do something to my hair tomorrow. I got in the shower. As I was taking my shower I realized James didn't have my address. After I finished I went to grab my gold iPhone 5S. I checked my texts and I had one from James. It said "I know your address so calm down and don't ask how I know." I was kind of freaked out.. how would he know my address? Oh well, I better blow dry my hair and go to sleep I blow dried my hair and went to bed by ten o'clock.

In the morning, I woke up at 5:30. I had just enough time. I got out my sparkly chi ultra and started straightening my hair. I wanted to look good to make Matt jealous because I'm beautiful and with someone else. Finally after 30 minutes my hair was straight. I wanted to look cut today so I got out my favorite light pink dress, black wedges that were 3 inches, a sterling silver Tiffany bracelet, and my diamond Chanel earrings. Once I was finished getting dressed I applied little foundation to my face, some concealer to cover up my dark circles under my eyes, some pink blush, and some mascara. I looked in my silver full body mirror and examined my look. I was pleased with it. I grabbed my phone and walked out of my bedroom door. My stomach started to grumble so then I had realized I haven't eaten yet. In the kitchen I found a water bottle and a granola bar that I could eat real fast.

When I finished I looked at the clock, it was 6:44. I waited a minute or two and then I heard a honk from the front of my house. I threw away my trash. My black victoria secret backpack was sitting in the foyer. I grabbed my backpack and ran out the door. James kept honking the horn constantly. I walked towards the most beautiful boy in the most most beautiful car, a black 2013 Mercedes Benz. When he noticed me he started staring at me. I opened the passenger door and got into the car. He was still staring. I looked at him confused. He noticed my looking at him and said, "Damn bitch you look good."

"Whatever, you ass just drive." I rolled my eyes.

"No, I mean it! You look good! Who are you trying to impress?" He questioned with a smirk on his face.

"My ex obviously I'm trying to make him jealous.. Have you forgotten?" I asked.

"No now let's just get to school. I know I'm a 'bad boy' and all but I still don't want a detention" James said as he started the Mercedes.

Within five minutes we arrived at school. I saw my two best friends standing by the school. I couldn't go see them because as I was walking James grabbed my hand. I just remembered we are in a "relationship". Shit, what is everyone gonna think? I just continued walking hand in hand with James. Soon everyone was staring including my two best friends, Matt, Tracey, and Tracey's slut posse. This was overwhelming. I'm considered an average girl at my school. People notice me, but no one ever stares at me. This is weird. I looked up at James. He was smirking.

"James, this is weird why is everyone staring?" I whispered in horror.

"Maybe it's because you're with the hottest guy in school that no one can get. Now listen, when we get to your locker, we are gonna full on make out, ok? After we make out I'm gonna kiss you on the cheek then walk away. If Tracey comes near you just ignore her, and same for matt. Is that clear?" He said still smirking as we walked into school.

I looked at him and said, "What..." I was shocked.

He looked back at me and in a serious tone said "Just go with it."

I nodded. We continued until we reached my locker. My locker was number 191. As I was opening my locker, James grabbed me by the waist and pressed me up against the lockers and started making out with me. I could feel the peoples stares. It lasted about two minutes before he kissed me on the cheek and walked away. I knew Tracey was staring. I saw Matt. He started walking towards me.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT SLOANE?!" He practically yelled so that everyone could hear. I ignored him as James said to do. I grabbed all my books for periods one through three because after third period is lunch so I can go grab fourth through sixth books after lunch. I walked away from Matt and went to chemistry. After that was writing and then English. Finally it had reached lunch and I sat with Scarlett and Lil.

"Hey guys!" I exclaimed as I sat down with them.

"Sloane, why the hell were you making out with James Stevenson?!" Scarlett asked.


"It's just part of me and James plan to make Tracey and Matt jealous," I said. "We aren't serious."

"Oh too bad," Scarlett replied looking sad.

"Yea but don't look now Sloane but here comes James," Lil said with a smile.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see a super handsome asshole standing there.

"Hey Sloane, come on we are gonna go eat together outside," he said as he took hold of my hand. I grabbed my lunch and followed him outside to one of the stone tables. We sat down across from each other.

We were both eating silently until he broke the silence by saying, "So did Tracey or Matt come up to you?"

"Yea, Matt did." I replied after swallowing my water.

"What'd he say?" James said smirking.

"Something like 'why the hell would you do that'" I laughed.

"Perfect," He evilly smiled,"Now let's think up our next plan."

"ok so what do you think we should do?"

"What sports does Matt play?" he asked.

"baseball..why?" I questioned.

"Well there's baseball practice today at 2:30, so I'm gonna come find you after the dismissal bell rings and we are going to go to the baseball field and start getting 'steamy' right at 2:25 then Matt will get pissed, ok?"

I was nervous, but i decided it was best just to nod.

After American History, my last period, I went to my locker to find James waiting for me. I put my books away and held James' hand as we walked towards the baseball fields. My school campus was huge so it would take about 10 minutes. I played on my phone as we walked. I checked my twitter to see that Tracey was subtweeting about me. I showed the tweets to James but he just laughed. What an amazing supporter.

It was 2:15 when we arrived at the fields. The baseball team practices on field a. We started walking towards it when we heard the teams voices. They were early and the gate to field A was locked. Before I could speak, James pushed my up against the metal fence and made out with me. He stuck his tongue in my mouth. It was a good make out, but it was just weird. The hottest guy in school is making out with me you know? It's weird but amazing and I like it. The baseball team had spotted us and screamed to Matt, "HEY MATT ISNT THAT YOUR GIRLFRIEND?!"

Matt had turned around from who he was talking to and was now looking at us. He stood in shock for a minute or two as we continued to make out. I was enjoying a lot. Matt started approaching us so we separated and looked at him. Matt punched James so hard that he almost fell over, but James is super strong. He stood and called for his two best friends, Chad and Hunter, they were both strong but Hunter was like a body builder. They came out from behind two trees and Hunter punched Matt. Matt fell over with a bloody nose. The baseball team of twelve guys and the bad boy group of three got into a huge fight. Thank god, the coach was running late. I was shocked but kind of entertained. After about five minutes of fighting, I saw the coach. He was on his phone and hadn't noticed the fight. He was pretty far away so I had time to tell James. I walked over to him while he was punching some kid.

"James the baseball coach is coming over. We've got to get out of here, NOW!" I exclaimed

James looked up and then yelled, "CHAD, HUNTER RUN! Sloane, hop on my back."

I did as he said and we were off.


if y'all could get more people to read this, that'd be great!!!

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