Chapter Thirteen: Truth Or Dare? {Part Two}

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later into the game...

"truth or dare {y/n}?" lapis asked.

"truth." you answered.

"ok... how many other people have you dated?"

" s-six..." you said, following the logic of what t.v. shows have told you.

"really? ok well umm... d-do you wanna talk about it or..."


"i-if you don't want to it's fine but...i'm kinda curious..."

"n-no it's ok... i need to get this of my chest... lapis i've only ever dated one girl... she was abusive... it's been years since i've dated someone because...i was scared... i still am... it took me forever to tell her we were done but... she didn't stop... she stalked me..."


"c'mon {y/n} just date me again! i've changed! i've gone to rehab!" your {ex/gf} said.

"I TOLD YOU {EX/GF} WERE THROUGH!" you yelled.

"haha you WISH!"

"you're HORRIBLE! YOU'RE ABUSIVE, CRUEL, AND YOU NEED TO GET OVER ME!!! I HAVE!" you yelled. you then passed out. when you woke up you couldn't heard a faint ticking sound... then an explosion. you blacked out again.


"she's the reason i have memory issues!" you growed. you were crying and didn't know it.

"{y/n} you're crying..." lapis said. she moved closer and gently wiped the tears out of your eyes, then she lightly kissed you on the cheek. you turned and kissed her on the lips. she kissed back almost instantly. you pulled back after a bit, panting softly.

"i love you lapis." you whisper.

"i love you too {y/n}" she whispered back.

SU (Lapis X male reader) not lonely anymore (REWRITTING!)Where stories live. Discover now