The Phantom Of The Opera (1D)

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Zayn Malik's Point Of View

"I got you tickets to the Phantom of the Opera!" Perrie smiles at me and I stared at her for a moment, my face frozen with my smile as I stared at the girl who I called my girlfriend, who bought me Opera tickets... for my twenty third birthday?

"Oh - goodie," I smiled at her, well, it was better than last years gift of her dragging me to a seven hour cat walk for male underwear models, "I love the that movie" if I saw it that is.

"I heard the girl who plays Christine is brilliant, and Australian none the less! Imagine that! Someone from Australia touring with the American's" what's so hard to believe about that?


* * *

Sitting in the front row of this performance, my mouth agape as I stared at the brunette who played the lead female - Christine.

She did all her moves perfect, as if she did each move as soon as she could walk.

Everyone in the audience had their eyes on her as she performed her songs and her dances, captivating us even more... I take that back, best. Present. Ever.

The curtains closed and no one moved before we jumped to our feet and clapped, everyone but Perrie that is. She had this look on her face, as if she swallowed a bug or something.

And I know that look well, it happens every time I put our wedding off...

The curtains open again and the cast walk out on stage, bowing until the girl who was Christine walked out with a smile on her face, instead of curtsying she bowed and straightened her back, a man comes over and passes her some roses which she shakes her head at.

She walks forward to the stage, all of us clapping and bends down before gesturing to Perrie. Perrie gave her a horrid look as she gets up and walks up to stage, to which the Australian girl handed the large group of roses to her and then stood back up, bowing again before she turned and twisted, dancing as everyone still clapped in awe as she span on her feet before she curtsied and the curtains closed.

Perrie turned to me and raised an eye brow at me, "Are we going now, or what?"

"I - um, yeah..." I followed after my fiancee, unable to get the jaw dropping girl out of my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2013 ⏰

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