~A little gift and a trust issue~

Start from the beginning

 You heard your phone vibrating on your nightstand, and you walked over to pick it up.

'10:36 A.M. Wednesday' Was the time the phone read.

You had gotten a text from a number you didn't recognize. You read it.

'Meet me in the alleyway of the shop square at midnight tonight, I wish to meet you.'

You furrowed your brow in confusion. You knew trusting a strange text was never a good thing, so you were unsure of what to do. However, you were able to reply, so you did.

'Who are you?'

To your surprise, the stranger quickly replied only seconds later.

'I will tell you this evening. I know you do not trust me, but I promise you, you have nothing to fear. Please, I truly need to speak with you.'


'Fine, but this better not be some trick..'

'Thank you.'

You turned off the phone and put it in your large pocket, then walked out of the room.

You saw Miles sitting on the couch, watching none other than Will eating a bowl of cereal.

"G'Mornin'!" Will called to you with a grin, small bits of cereal and milk were on his cheeks. And surprisingly, he didn't have his mask nor hood on him, you could actually see his eyes, nose, and hair.

Miles looked up at you and smiled, giving a bark.

"Good morning." You laughed.

You went down the stairs and walked to the kitchen.

"Oh-uh, I hope you don't mind I got myself some breakfast, I haven't eaten stuff like this in a long time!" Will said.

"Heh heh, it's okay, you're my guest after all." You smiled at him with a wink.

Will seemed embarrassed.


You dug out some dog food from the large bag and poured it into the bowl you used for him, you also got some water for the other bowl too.

"Here you go, Miles, you get breakfast too." You giggled.

Miles barked happily and ran over to his food, then began to eat.

You decided to get out an apple from the fridge, you didn't like to take too long when you ate, and you really didn't feel like getting anymore dishes dirty.

"At least Will was tidy with his food and didn't leave a huge mess." You thought.

Once you got your apple, you got yourself a bottle of water, then walked over and sat down next to Will. He had darkish blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

"Hey, do you live alone in this place?" Will asked.

You shook your head.

"No, my step-parents own this place, but they're out of town for a while to take care of my step-grandfather."

Will furrowed his brow.


You sighed.

"It's pretty complicated."

"Tell me." He wasn't gonna drop the subject that easily.

"Ok." You gave in.

"A couple days ago I found out that my parents aren't actually my real parents, they adopted me when I was little, I can't remember those times because I was too young."

A Little Laughter Left In Me... (Laughing Jack x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now