Leche Flan Special

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  Leche Flan Special


• 10 pieces of raw eggs
• 1 small can of condensed milk
• 1 cup of fresh or evaporated milk
• ½ cup of white sugar
• ½ tsp of vanilla extract
For the caramel:
• 1 cup of brown sugar
• 5 pieces of calamansi (optional)
• 3 tablespoon of water

Mama's Guide Procedures:

1. Crack all the raw eggs and start separating the yolk from the egg white. Only the yolk will be used. Put the combined yolk into a bowl.
2. Carefully beat the egg yolks. Slowly add condensed milk and vanilla extract while beating. Then, add fresh milk and sugar, then continue to mix thoroughly. Keep on mixing until the desired consistency is achieved.
3. Use strainer while pouring the mixture into another bowl. This would help make sure the texture is ideal.
4. Prepare the caramel by boiling a small amount of water in a saucepan. Lower heat when brown sugar is added. Continuously stir until sugar caramelizes. You may put calamansi to enhance flavor and taste (optional). Immediately pour the syrup into the llaneras.
5. Pour the egg and milk mixture into each llanera. Cover each with aluminum foil and cook using a steamer for about 30 minutes or until leche flan solidifies. Set aside to let cool before refrigerating.

Tips: To achieve a very smooth flan, let the big bubbles subside on its own. You can also strain it in a clean cloth or katsa for a smoother texture.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2016 ⏰

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