She could let the knowledge about Julia Andover destroy her, festering in her mind to fill it with doubt and pain, or she could choose to use it as a weapon. It was high time she start making use of her time in the Pretanian court to gather an arsenal of secrets and allies, rather than waste her time away, pining after her betrothed. Thankfully, a ball was a splendid place to start employing her new approach.

A minor hindrance in Isabelle's plan was that Cora hadn't spoken to her since the picnic, fleeing back to Henrietta's side. The pair of them, once again, reigned over the debutantes, ensuring that Isabelle remained ostracized from the group. Clearly the news about Isabelle and Graham's kiss had opened a chasm that no amount of friendship could bridge. Isabelle refused to allow her exclusion to impede her, choosing instead to sparkle and dazzle as any proper debutante would at a ball.

She and Violet milled around near the refreshment table as Isabelle inspected the assembled guests for anyone with secrets worthy of pursuit. The royal family hadn't arrived yet, but the music had already started. Much to Violet's delight, Byron Fletcher spotted her from the top of the entrance hall stairs, cutting across the entire ballroom to ask for her first dance. Isabelle encouraged her friend to go, despite Violet's blushes, and made a mental note to press Byron about Violet later.

Later came soon enough, Byron returning Violet to Isabelle's side after their dance, acting like quite the proper gentleman. Isabelle seized the opportunity, sighing wistfully about her lack of partners. As expected, Violet fell for the ruse.

"Oh, but you must dance with Isabelle," she said, turning beseeching eyes to Byron. His pleasant expression soured for the barest of moments before he smiled again, bowing.

"Your wish is my command, Violet," he said, taking her hand to kiss it in farewell. Isabelle watched the spectacle unfold with a forced smile of her own, the pair of them leaving her besotted friend at the edge of the dance floor. Once Byron had led her out among the other dancers, Isabelle kept her smile in place as she turned to face the shipping heir.

"Why are you pursuing Violet?" she asked, still outwardly pleasant despite the ice in her voice. To her surprise, Byron's smile remained in place as well.

"Because I find myself growing fond of her," he said automatically. His eyes spoke differently, however, one of his eyelids twitching with a repressed wince.

"The real reason please, Mr. Fletcher," Isabelle pressed. "For I am not foolish enough to believe you."

The mask of polite amusement fell from his face as he regarded her. Finally, he chuckled.

"Yes, they'd warned me that you were shrewd," he said, running a calculating look over her. "I am pursuing Violet because I need a wife who is close to the queen. Being friendly with the royal family is good for business, you see."

Isabelle frowned as they spun.

"I hadn't realized you were planning an expansion to Germania," she said. His grin widened.

"I am not," he replied. Isabelle blinked, still frowning.

"Then I fear your sources must have misinformed you, because Prince Leopold of Germania is the man whose ring graces my finger."

"No, I'm quite certain that my sources are correct. You are not going to be the queen of Germania, you are going to be the queen of Pretania," he said, relishing the look of shock on her face.

"I most certainly am not," Isabelle huffed. "And I will ask you to please abort this cruel pursuit of my friend before-"

"You told me you weren't foolish, but apparently you are," Byron said, speaking over her. "For even a fool can see that Prince Graham wants you. And even a fool knows that what Prince Graham wants, he gets."

They exchanged glares before Isabelle forced herself to look elsewhere. This was preposterous. Isabelle was not some prized ribbon to be pinned to the prince's chest like the many medals he'd already accrued. She was Leopold's betrothed, no matter what Byron's "sources" said.

"If that is your reason, then your pursuit of Violet is cruel and unnecessary," Isabelle said finally, as their dane drew to a close.

"I disagree," Byron replied. "For you are nothing if not loyal to your friends, Miss de Haviland."

"I am," she agreed. "Though I would caution you that I also have a long memory. If you wrong my friend, I will destroy you."

Byron laughed, bowing to her as the music ended.

"A woman, destroy me? Perhaps you are a fool after all. Good evening, Miss de Haviland," he said, his eyes sparkling with malice as he turned on his heel. Isabelle watched him go, hating the way Violet's face lit up as he sought her out once again.

She didn't want to hurt her friend, but someone had to warn Violet before Byron broke her heart. She hoped that Violet would believe her and, eventually, that her friend would be able to forgive her for the cruel awakening she'd be forced to deliver.

Isabelle was caught standing in the middle of the dance floor when the royal fanfare sounded. Inwardly groaning, she obediently turned towards the thrones and curtseyed, cursing her foul luck. She'd intended to remain well out of the prince's view until he found himself another partner for the first dance, but now her plan had been foiled. As the king and queen strode out from the doors to the old palace, the prince appeared on their heels.

**A/N: It seems like the more answers Isabelle uncovers, the more questions she has! What do you think about Julia Andover and Leopold, is something going on or is it all some game of Graham's? And what about Violet (to those of you who have read The Debutante, please no spoilers!!), do you think Isabelle should step in? 

As always, if you enjoyed it, please don't forget to vote and comment! You can look for another update tomorrow morning/early afternoon :)**

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