The Water Cycle

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Archie: "Hahaha! Gaze upon my capture and despair! Now that Kyogre is within my grasp, I will use its power to form rain clouds and expand the seas, providing more habitats for water Pokemon! Don't try to stop me, resistance is futile!"

Brendan: "... You're an idiot!"

Archie: "You wha'?"

Brendan: "Kyogre has the power to summon rain clouds, and you want to use this to expand the sea? Do you even know where rain comes from?"

Archie: "... The sky?"

Brendan: "For the love of... It's called the water cycle. Basic science. You should've known about this kind of stuff when you were a child. Your grand plan is to expand the ocean by taking water out of the ocean and then putting it back into the ocean."

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