"Little shorty! Your official free!"

I laughed, then punched his arm lightly and replied with

"Yup, I'm free now!"

He rubbed my head, then I turned around again. For the second time, I got stopped on my way to the bathroom because I was unexpectedly picked up and spun around in someone's arms. The world was spinning around and around in a blur, and I immediately knew it was Colton, because I could recognize his cologne anywhere, unless it was some random guy I did not know.

I was placed back to the ground lightly, and a second later, Colton's lips came crashing down on mine. It was a tender kiss, one that held passion and desire all in one, and I leaned into him for support because my knees suddenly felt all wobbly. I placed my hand on his chest, then while out of breath, I said

"Colton. Stop, people are probably staring at us."

We pulled away, with Colton grinning his signature grin. I smiled up at him and said

"Ok, I'm going to go to the restroom now. So please let go of me."

He sighed out load, then finally, he released his hold on me. Then, he said

"Yeah Shorty, go clean your face, it looks like a paint brush attacked it."

Gee, thanks. I just rolled my eyes and replied with a curt

"Be back in a few."

Then I was off to the restrooms. Finally!

I walked around the giant stage, and toward the bathrooms. I had to maneuver my way around multiples of people who were taking pictures with family and friends. It was nice seeing people all happy and carefree, finally able to actually do something with their life, to make something of it. A couple people stopped me briefly to say hi, but other then that, I was still on my mission to go to the bathroom.

Finally, after about five minutes, I made it to the bathrooms. I entered, and walked to the sinks, not bothering to look at my watered down face in the mirror, but just began washing my face off. After I cleaned it, I grabbed some paper towels and dried it off, throwing the towels away in the trash. Satisfied with how I looked, I made my way to the bathroom door, yanking it open, eager to get back to my close friends so we could chat for a bit.

The air outside seemed crisp, but nice, there was a slight breeze ruffling my hair about, but if felt refreshing. I had just taken a few steps out of the bathroom door, when suddenly, I was grabbed roughly from behind in a pair of strong arms, but not in the playful kind of way. I slammed forcefully against the person behind me, making me lose my balance, but the persons hold was strong enough to where they held me in place.

Then the panic set in.

I opened my mouth to let out a piercing scream, knowing that something was terribly not right, but before I could even manage to get a yelp out, a big, ungentle hand slammed over my mouth, pressing my lips against my teeth with almost too much pressure. Another muscular arm was holding my waist tightly against the person, so I was literally swished like a sandwich with absolutely no wiggle room to free myself. I used my hands and tried to claw at the hand covering my mouth, attempting to peel away the rough fingers with my nails, digging into the skin.

Even though I knew it wouldn't do anything, I tried screaming underneath the rough hand, but it was no use, my screams were just muffled. That's when I began shaking with pure terror, and I could feel small tear tracks running down my cheeks, except this time, it wasn't in happiness, it was in fear. Then, I opened my mouth slightly, just enough to where I could feel the persons skin on my tounge, and bit as hard as I could on the hand. I tasted a sort of metallic taste in my mouth and immediately recognized it as the taste of blood, but not a second sooner, I heard the person who was holding me hiss, and say

Living in a House Full of Ten Crazy Boys(completed book 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora