Chapter Nineteen - Unedited

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I see Christian flying with Nadi lower, Nadi breathing fire over the guards and buildings. I choke on a mix of emotions, and before I can decipher which emotions exactly they are, Kaloua swoops down and blows his icy breath over everything, the fire ceasing and frost covering most things. I watch with partial amusement as ice forms on the ground and the guards all slip and slide as they try to get a grip.

Suddenly, I hear something whistle past my ear and look to see archers shooting at us. I narrow my eyes, once again, this would be a perfect time to have a bow and arrow for myself.

'Kaloua, drop me off above the archers,' I command and he does as I say. As I near them I hop out of the seat on Kaloua's back and slide towards the end of his tail. I swing off and roll onto the floor, drawing my sword at the same time. All the memories sword training with Daniel and Rory hit me at once and a tear falls from my cheek as I strike the guards.

Before I knew it, there was a whole group of them on me. I jump over one of their swords and bend away from another, but I feel another slice my arm. I let out a cry, but know it was my left arm they cut - thank my luck - and I can still weild my sword. I see the archer further ahead, loading his next arrow and aiming it right for Kaloua. I push through the group of guards, getting yet another gash on my side, and run at the archer.

By the time I reach him, it was too late. I hear a wail come from Kaloua as he falters, and I turn to look at him. The archer got him right in the stomach, and when he had faltered, someone else had shot him in the neck and the tail. I dig my sword into the stomach of the archer in front of me, anger feeling my strength.

"Arabelle!" I hear a loud scream come from someone and turn to see Evangelina standing between a group of guards. My sisterly instincts kick in and I run towards her, my sword at the ready, but another guards tackles me. All I hear is a deathly scream as I fight off the guard. I stab him and jump up as quickly as I can, looking around for Evangelina.

"Ange? Ange!" I cry out to no use, I can see she is gone. Tears blur my vision as I search around for the king. I spot him fighting off a random fighter from my army and I storm over, sword in my hand, as I wipe away my tears. I push the member of my army aside and I point my sword at Arthur,

"It's all your fault," I snap threateningly at him, more tears coming on, "It's your fault she is dead."

"My fault? Why, Arabelle, it was you who brought the war upon us."

I shake my head, "N-No. I wouldn't have has to if you had just given me what I am destined for. Instead you made me run away, learn what I need to do, come back, nearly loose numerous loved ones, then..." I choke on my words, "Now Evangelina is dead, and Kaloua is..."

Arthur rolls his eyes and begins to circle, and I move with him, "I take no blame for their deaths, Arabelle."

"It was your guards who killed them."

"And what about all my guards whom your army killed?"

"They aren't my army. They all volunteered to follow me." I snap and lunge for Arthur, but he jumps away. Our swords clash and I push against him, and he returns with much more strength than me.

"Give up now, Arabelle, you don't stand a chance!" Arthur chuckles, and I feel myself beginning to fall with the strength. I summon everything I have and push against him, knowing that I have youth on my side,

"I will never give up. Never. Only over my dead body."

Arthur narrows his eyes, clenching his jaw with the effort he is putting in, "That can always be arranged."

I pull away quickly and he stumbles forward. I use the surprise to slam the hilt of my sword into his back, forcing him to the floor. Kneeling to the floor, I turn him over and see tears welled in his eyes from the pain.

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