the flashback

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--3 days after contract  1 ended-- Julie asked me about my past yesterday  I usually  don't like to talk about it but I decided to tell her--flashback to 4 years ago--my squad was codename Wolfpack one of the best it was a simple in and out me and my men were moving to take an underground  laboratory  doing.....nasty research the kind that had to be stopped we found Intel of it four days earlier  on another contract  so we decided to do this contract free  as we moved in we didn't see one guard one scientist until we reached a room that had blood in it.....dammit  that should have told us.....told us it was a trap because the moment we started passing through  the room the doors started closing and an alarm sounded  I should've  told them to pull back but no I knew that they had to be stopped so I said to keep pushing after we got past the room security showed up started shooting and we  well  we had no cover so we made a turn took 3 casualties  leaving my squad cut down to 9  we had three rookies one of them were among the three we kept moving but every turn we made every room we entered  was another trap we were heavily  outnumbered heavily  outgunned and heavily  screwed then we ended up going  to a dead end luckily  it had cover so we made a stand the 9 got cut to 7 the more enemies we cut down the more that showed up we wouldn't last much longer and the enemy knew it then an rpg  cut my men from 7 to 3 and that's when a secret door opened behind us turns out one of the scientists who didn't agree with these....terrorists hacked their system and helped us out but he was killed in the process the 3 others got out with me and the scientist unknown to us or anyone had activated a self destruct sequence  that blew the base to bits wreckage debris flew all over one of my 3 remaining men were killed by debris but the other 2 and I made it out after that we split up since we had just seen all of our team we were all messed up so we split up I did solo jobs for a while and they.... I don't know what they did after that.julie seem suprised  she thought I was always a one man act but in the end my squad may have been dead but their memory lives on.

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