chapter 4

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Terri's P.O.V.

It's been 2 days since I've heard from K.C.. I figured that's how it would be after he read the letters. I don't even know why I thought he would decide to choose Jaxon and I.

I was hoping he would want to meet his son. Jax keeps asking why K.C. hasnt come back to see him. He has asked me if he did something for his dad and his dad's family to not want anything to do with him. I've told him that there is nothing he has done. It's their loss that they are missing out on a great kid. My kid. My precious baby.

I'm pulled from my thoughts when the freakin doorbell goes off. I'm about to open the door when the bell goes off again. "Hold your damn horses."

"Momma say badword."

Shit. I didn't know Jax was in here. I thought he was playing. "Sorry, baby."

"It tay, mommy."

The damn bell goes off again. What the hell is so important that they have to keep ringing the bell?

I open the door to find K.C. on my doorstep. That's not who I was expecting.

"Hi, Terri."


I move over so he can step inside. I close the door behind him. We make our way to the couch. Glancing around, I see Jax standing in the doorway.

"Come here, baby. I want you to meet someone."

He comes and sits on my lap. I can tell he's nervous because he's sitting back as far as he can on my lap.

"K.C., this is Jax. Jax, this is your daddy."

K.C. moves first. He sticks his hand out for Jax to shake. He hesitates at first but then takes K.C.'s hand. "It's very nice to meet you."

He shakes his hand in a way that's unnecessary, causing both Jax and I to chuckle. Then Jax surprises us both. He climbs in K.C.'s lap. "I alweady know who you are. You my daddy. Where you been?" Well, he's going right in for the kill.

By the look on his face, that's not what K.C. was expecting to hear. Me either. "Well, I've been busy. I have a job to do."

Yeah, well so does everybody else in America. "What job?" He glances over to me. I should have kept my mouth shut.

"I'm a private investigator."

Well that explains how he knew where I lived.

"Cool. I do that when I older, mommy."

"Ok." I glance over at K.C. "Jax, honey, I need you to do me a favor. Can you go play while I talk to your daddy?"

"Tay." He hops down and takes off running towards his room. He's such a good kid.

I turn back to K.C. I can see the nervousness in his smile. "So, how have you been, Terri?"

"Let's cut the chitchat. I believe you have some more explaining to do."

He sighs. "Alright. What do you want to know first?"

"I want to know why you were away so long. This time, I want an answer."

"I was away because I didn't think you'd want to see me after the way I left things. I'm sorry."

"Ok. When you were here the other day, you were acting like you didn't know who Jax was. If you're a private investigator, how did you not know that I had a son?"

"I didn't do a whole lot of digging. I'm not trying to be classified as a stalker. I only did enough to know that you were ok."

"What about your parents? They didn't tell you about him?"

"No. They didn't tell me anything. They told me that you were stalking them, which I didn't believe. I honestly didn't know about Jaxon. I wish I had. He seems like a great kid."

"He is. He's my little angel."

"Well, he's the most well-behaved kid I've met. I guess that has to do with who raised him. Terri, you truly are amazing. I'm sorry I hurt you the way I did. I know I don't deserve it, but I'd like another chance. What do you say?"

"K.C., I don't know. I was devastated when you left. I felt like my life was over. It took me some time to get over the heartbreak. I can't get involved with you again, and not know if you're going to stick around in the long run."

He takes my hands in his. "I know it'll be hard for you to trust me again, and that's my fault. But, I promise that I'm sticking around this time. I moved my business here. I even bought a house. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon."

"You drive a pretty hard bargain. You know that?"


"So, I say we give it a shot. But you have to promise to take this slow."

"I promise."



He cups my face in his hands and leans in for a kiss. The kiss isn't too demanding. It's just perfect.

"Hehe. Mommy kiss daddy."

We pull away when we hear Jax. "Hi, baby."

"Hi, mommy, daddy."

"Hey, buddy."

He comes and sits in my lap. He starts playing with mine and K.C.'s hands.

"Jax, you wanna take a ride?"


"Ok. Come on, Terri."


"I want to show you something."


"You'll see when we get there."


"Yay! Let's go, mommy."

He climbs out of my lap and runs to the door.

"Hold on, baby. We have to get your shoes on."

"Ok." He runs back towards his room while I slip on my own shoes.

Jax comes back down the hallway with his shoes on his feet, but they're untied. Ive tried to teach, he's just not learning yet.

"Come here. Mommy needs to tie your shoes."

"I'll do it, Terri."


Jax walks over to K.C., who's already kneeling. My heart swells. For so long, I've wanted these two to be able to share little moments like this.

"All done."

K.C. stands back up and Jax walks back over to the front door.

"Let's go."

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