Chapter 21

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Kiki pov

After I got dressed I was heading downstairs but I hearing noises so I started walking more carefully

When I reach the kitchen I smelled food but when I looked I seen her and Chris but they were arguing about something

What are they arguing about?

Chris: How come you never told me about you having a child? *Yells*

Mom: What are you talking about? *Yells*

Chris: Don't say some bullshit! Dont you have a kid? Do you or not? *Yells*

Mom: *says quietly* yes.......


Mom: I DON'T KNOW OKAY?! I don't know.....

Chris: *sighs* okay......all right but you wanna know how I know?

Mom: ...........*looks down*

Chris: Well she came home last night..........she was talking about how she lived here and that you were the mother of her......where has she been before coming home?

By now I was crying not because of mom but how much Chris cares about me.....

I never really felt that loved before.......but it won't last long........or will it?

Mom: Sh-She came h-home?

Chris: Yes and she's in her room probably sleep....

Then they started talking more quietly so I went back upstairs wondering what to do when I leave today........or where to go????

My thoughts were interrupted by someone knocking on the door

Kiki: yes?

Mom: honey? Can I come in?

Kiki: I don't know can you? *Rolls eyes*

Mom: look please don't be mad at me b-*gco*

Kiki: Why shouldn't I be mad at you?

Mom: *sighs* can I just come in?

Kiki: Whatever......

Mom: *opens door and walks in* now um can I start talking?

Kiki: Yeah sure I guess....

Mom: Well I didn't forget about you-*gco*

Kiki: I don't believe you

Mom: *shocked* what?

Kiki: I said I don't believe you because you never checked on me or even tried CALLING me but you must be having fun with your new boyfriend Chris......but you forget about me *plays with fingers looking down*

Mom: no...... I never meant to do that but *sighs* I guess you already met Chris......

Kiki: Yeah I met him last night *mumbles* when he said you had no kids....

Mom: I never said that though.......I just never told him.....

Kiki: Why not?! I'm your child! Are you that disappointed in me?! OR AM I JUST A MISTAKE?! HUH?

Mom: No! I'm not disappointed! I'm just........I don't know *looks down* I don't know.....

Kiki: *crying* fine......I'm leaving today and today would be the last day you see me
*Gather things* goodbye mother.....

Mom: *crying* no don't leave!

By the time she said that I already closed the front door and left right then and there not knowing where to go.....But as I was leaving I could hear Chris yell about something and mom just cry more.

See I fuck everything up.......

I walk down the sidewalk with a backpack with my belongings not knowing where to go......but where can I go and stay at?

???: KIKI!

Dafuq?! Who the hell said that?


Imma try to update as much as I can since I have a day of from hell-I mean school😇😂

But who said that doe?

See ya later hater


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