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I used to know the basketball in my hand was orange just by looking at it. Now I only know from memory.

I don't know how long it's been since I was last able to see. I stopped counting the days when it started feeling like years.

One day I woke up and it was pitch black. I knew it wasn't nighttime cause my alarm had already rung and I set that for 7 am so it was past night. I remember screaming for my mom and I even remember crying like a child cause of my vision not working.

She panicked and took me to the hospital but doctor after doctor told her this was bizarre. My eyes were fine and in perfect working order,there was no reason I shouldn't be able to see just fine.

She took me to an eye specialist who said the same thing. I didn't need glasses since all I saw was black so we left there quickly when he offered no help.

My mother,being the magic believer she is,even went and bought some special tea that supposedly cured any type of illness big or small.

But that didn't help either. All it did was leave an acidy bad aftertaste and made me hate bananas.

By buying the tea is what made her think back, by buying the tea is what made her drop the dishes she was drying and run to tell me how she knew what it was.

"It's the gypsy Tyler! Don't you get it?! She said this would happen and it has! All we have to do is find the person that will teach you! Then you'll be all better!"

She sounded so happy but I couldn't see and that made me annoyed. Why is she thinking of that gypsy was all I thought about.

I yelled and told her how that was just a story,a childish one at that. Just a story that was real on paper but in reality fell apart from its lack of glue and entertaining characters.

I yelled and complained how her stupid story wasn't worth mentioning cause it wasn't true and I wasn't blind just cause some gypsy told her so. Lord only knows why I couldn't see but it wasn't cause of some made up gypsy in some made up story.

My mother made it her personal mission to find that gypsy. I remember her leaving me with strict rules to stay inside while she went off on a quest to find this gypsy that had supposedly cursed me.

Sometimes she'd be gone for days,it made me annoyed and sad imaging her running around looking for someone that didn't exist.

The results were always the same. Back home she'd come with sad sighs and sad eyes. I mean I couldn't see them,but they sounded sad.

She'd whine about how she couldn't find her and how she couldn't believe no one had seen her. Rambling on and on about how the town she went to was for sure the town she visited all those years ago.

I just listened and pretended she was right. Fighting with her didn't get me anywhere and I know it made her sad so I just stayed quiet.

This happened for lord knows how long. As I said,I had stopped counting how long I'd been blind for. It felt like years but in reality it could have only been weeks. Who knows.

My mothers personal mission went on for awhile,her running around to find the town where the gypsy lived. I always just nodded when she told me she'd be gone though silently I was cursing her for being so stupid to still believe her story was real.

Lord knows how long it was before one day she came back and cried for hours. Cried and cried and told me how she was a terrible mother and she couldn't find the gypsy that told her my eyes would one day cease to work.

She cried and cried and I comforted her.

But being the strong person she is,she didn't give up. She was still set on what the gypsy had said,so set that her words weren't made up in her head.

She decided if she couldn't find the gypsy,she'd find the person who was supposed to teach me.

The person who was supposed to teach me about love.

The person who was supposed to make me see again.

She made it her mission.

So she'd set out,desperately trying to find someone that she thought would save me.

While I spent my days running my hands over things I could no longer describe in color.

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