When your eyes reopened, you were face to face with your father. He was sitting on a rock, making no attempt to run from any of this. It looked like it pained him to be looking into the eyes of his daughter after so long. He truly did love you, you were his only child, your mother died after your birth. You were the one person in all the nine realms that he would always love unconditionally, but until now, he had thought you had died as well. You looked to your left and saw Thor fighting with Tony, you weren't going to get involved there, that was all Natasha's, or so you thought until Steve ended the fight and they were all making there way back toward Loki and yourself. You turned back to your father with a look of disappointment, a look he had gotten used to over the years from Odin. He looked up at you from where he was sitting, he didn't know if you would allow him to come any closer, he wouldn't blame you if that was the case. "How long have they left you here y/n?" He asked quietly to avoid startling you.

You looked into his eyes, you saw so much pain, but also saw destruction. This was never how he used to be, but he was trying to connect with you in any was he could, and you wouldn't reject it. "Since you disappeared from Asgard." You replied just as quietly.

He let your answer sink in, you were left here without even so much as an explanation or a goodbye from him, he thought about how terrifying it must have been for you to be alone all those years. He eyes began to gloss over for a moment, that is until he noticed some of the scars on your arms from some of the experimentation you had to endure. Some of your veins creeping up your neck were still incredibly dark and noticeable from the serums injected into you over the years. Looking into your eyes he saw as much pain as he had felt for years. He quickly looked into your mind to see just what exactly you had been through. Those glossy eyes that he had only moments ago were now filled with rage, "what have these mortals done to you?" He gritted through his teeth as he began to finally stand.

You quickly rolled the sleeves of your sweater back down and pulled your hood over your head to cover the veins and backed away as far as you could. Within seconds you became aware of them again after forgetting about them for so many years. You looked off to the right to try and ignore his presence now. He knew what you were trying to do, but he wanted answers as to what happened to his only child. Unfortunately he was still filled with rage at the moment, and wasn't handling this situation with the proper care. He tightly grabbed you by your arms, forcing your attention to be moved to him once again. You whimpered, some of it out of pain, the rest out of fear. You couldn't think straight and you were terrified, and that was when your powers were either at their strongest or weakest, as luck would have it, this time they were at their weakest.

As he noticed you were trying to use your powers to break free, it only caused him to grip you tighter and you whimpered again. "Tell me what they've done to you!" He yelled this time, causing you to flinch and close your eyes to try and calm yourself. Just as he was about to ask again, someone finally came to your rescue.

"Loki, release this girl and let her leave, she has no part in any of this I'm sure." Thor said, he still hadn't recognized you, and it caused you to feel slightly disappointed.

Loki was laughing now, a maniacal laugh, you knew nothing good could come from this. His eyes darted between you and Thor, "Thor, do you mean to tell me you don't even recognize your own niece?" He snickered as he turned you around so you were now facing your uncle. Thor's eyes widened and mouth hung a gape when the realization had finally sunk in. "If she wasn't involved in this before, then she is now! You abandoned her here! You let these monsters destroy her! You left my precious daughter here on her own, with them!" Thor looked at you with so much sorrow and pain in his eyes. He never did come back for you, but it wasn't because he forgot, he had never found Loki until just now. He wished he would have come back for you when he saw the damage Loki had mentioned on you. "I will show this world no mercy! The chittarri are coming, and there's nothing you can do to stop it!" Loki continued to yell to them, his hold on you kept tightening and you yelped in pain.

Your yelp quickly caught Thor's attention, by this time Steve and Tony had shown up too. Steve was about to charge over to grab you, until Tony placed his iron hand on his chest to hold him back. There was nothing the two of them could do to get you out of his grasp, that was up to Thor, although Steve wouldn't mind bringing down Loki himself when he noticed the pain you were in. "Loki release y/n, can you not see the pain you're causing her?" Thor said as calmly as possible when all he wanted to do was tackle Loki to the ground for putting you in pain, pain that you clearly didn't need after all your time here. "Loki let her go." Thor repeated, a bit more sternly this time.

Loki glared at Thor with fire in his eyes. His grip tightened once again without even thinking. This time he had heard you cry out in pain. He looked between you and Thor twice before his gaze was only fixed on you, and when he noticed your posture his face softened. Your eyes were closed, but they didn't need to be open for him to know he was causing you pain. "Please... Dad..." You managed to whisper out. He slowly released you from his grip and watched as you ran to Steve, completely ignoring Thor's presence as well as Tony's. Steve wrapped his arms around you gently and turned the two of you to shield you from everyone. With one hand behind your head to keep you close to his chest, and the other rubbing circles on your back to keep you calm.

Loki took a step back to try and understand what had just happened, he didn't even remember grabbing you, and now you were in the arms of a mortal that was against him, turning to him for comfort. His thoughts were halted when Thor had placed him in cuffs and began walking Loki to the jet once again. Before they entered the jet, Loki looked back to get one last look at you, but all he saw was a quick flash of you teleporting yourself and Steve away, now all he could see was the dust that was settling from your action. Thor gave him a light push so he would continue inside the jet, with Tony following closely behind.

Loki couldn't stop thinking about you, thinking about how your first time seeing him in seventy years, he hurt you within the first five minutes. He would never hurt you intentionally, he's never even hurt you in general until now. All of this was almost enough to make him rethink his actions, until he remembered his deal with Thanos, the plan needed to be finished, especially now that he knew you were alive. He did see another benefit to all of this though, he could bring destruction to the ones that had harmed you in his absence, and he would show no mercy.

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