That's My Mechanic: Chapter 1

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It was a cold autumn day in November. Mahiru was sitting on a bench in her local park, tears in her gray eyes. She had just gotten a new camera from a friend of hers and in the same day she had accidentally dropped the sleek, black camera. She held the broken pieces of her poor camera in her hands, mourning the figurative death of her brand new camera. 

Later that day Mahiru took a walk of shame back to her dorm room, when she ran into a person that she wouldn't really dub a friend but not an enemy either. It was the person she dubbed, "Unreliable Hajime." Hajime greeted Mahiru and asked her why she was crying "Hey Mahiru, why do you look so down?" Hajime asked. "Hey Hajime, Oh that? My new camera just broke, you wouldn't happen to know anyone that can fix it for me for cheap?" "Hm actually I think I have just the person for you." Hajime said, holding the signature thinking pose from any mystery anime you will see. Hajime proceeded to write an address and a phone number on a little sticky note that he pulled out from his pocket and handed it to the red headed girl. 

The next day, Mahiru found the sticky note that Hajime had given her yesterday evening. She decided to call the number one the little, yellow note so that she could schedule an appointment to get her precious camera fixed back to it's original state. When the phone on the other line picked up she heard the masculine (if you could even call it that) voice of a man. "Hello, how may I help you? Ya need something fixed?" Came a relaxed voice. "Um, Yes hello I need my camera fixed and a guy named Hajime Hinata suggested this number." Mahiru explained. "Hajime? You know Hajime? Sweet, come on over and I'll fix your camera up faster than you can say smile!" The voice said. Oh boy this is going to be a strange day.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2016 ⏰

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