Independence or Love

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People are always searching for their perfect someone. Their other half so to say. I’ve been through enough to know that not everyone is meant to have another half. I’m one of those people. When I was little I continuously saw my mother gets hurt trying to find her other half. Every man she was with treated her and her love like crap. Then the ones that didn’t she couldn’t have. I saw and still see all of the pains of being with someone. Day by day I see people happy and sad and angry. I know people say I have no right to say these things because I’ve never been in love and I’m too young to understand. Wisdom and understanding doesn’t always come with age. It can come with experience. I might only be fourteen but I’ve seen enough and been through enough to understand things beyond my age. You can say I’m an old soul.

      My name is Holland Ameris Drake. I’m fourteen and I attend The Historian Academy. Since age ten I’ve been constantly asked who do I like or who do I have a crush on. My answer has stayed the same. I don’t. Everyone just looks at me like I’m crazy and walks away. Here at The Historian Academy I have my best friend, Keegan Levi Alexander. We just stick to a first name basis. Keegan understands me. He is actually the only one who does. That’s why we are friends along with the fact he is hilarious, and can burp the whole alphabet backwards. This is my story. This is my life.


    I woke to the sound of music playing. It was Mumford and Sons. As fast as I could I hopped out of bed and began to get dressed. After a few moments I ran into the kitchen. There stood Keegan. He smiled when he saw me. I ran up to him and gave him a hug, where he picked me up and twirled me around.

      “Guess what I got you,” He said with a cheeky grin.

     I smiled and shrugged my shoulders. He turned to the dining room table to reveal a tall can of Arizona green tea with ginseng and honey, along with a pack of sprees. Screaming I hugged him once more. Off to school we went. Every day we walked to school always making sure we passed the bakery five minutes from my house. We would always stop to chat with Dominic. He was a fairly old man who loves to give us free coffee and just chat. As always he was glad to see us. Today he told us a story about this young couple that came in yesterday. He told us the man proposed. The full thing with the candles and he even sang her favorite song.

      I laughed but Keegan just gave me a look. I returned him the favor by making a retarded face. He laughed and we thanked Dominic for the coffee. Once again we were on our way. When we finally reached our school all the fun had to stop. We had to put on our serious faces as Keegan said always making a stupid face to go along with his words. We entered and headed to our classes. The day went by as usual. Keegan and I irritated the teachers and got detention. When school ended we took our usual trip back to my house. We just hang around and play video games which he cheats at and eat. My mom loves him so she doesn’t mind. As it begins to get dark he leaves me with a hug and out the door he goes.

     The next morning was the same as every other yet it was different. Today was my least favorite holiday. Today was Valentine’s Day. This morning instead of waking up to Mumford and Sons I awoke to One Direction. Instead of rushing I actually took my time this morning. Walking to my closet I took out a pair of faded skinny jeans with a few rips in them, tan oxfords, a light blue button down shirt which I rolled the sleeves up on, and a tan leather jacket. Unlike every other day I put my hair up in a messy bun instead of letting my hair just go crazy. After brushing my teeth and all I walked into the kitchen.

     “Well you sure look good considering it is your least favorite holiday,” Keegan gave me a grin with his words.

     “Oh so I don’t look good every other day?”I said this with a serious yet playful look.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2013 ⏰

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