The Dumb Sister's Bucket List

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Go to New York and find 5 fancy business looking buildings go in the elevator and do the following:
Offer any street food you come across
Start a convo with the wall
Introduce yourself as a different person to different people in the elevator
Ask for a pen and shout "Who wants a free pen!"

Go to china and the largest skatepark and challenge someone play SKATER

Go cliff jump in Australia and while your their snorkel the barrier  reef

Go to Dubai and go get henna and dune buggying enjoy

Go to England and preform on X factor

Go to LA and have a milkshake marathon with friends you made

Find a place to stay with your best friends as roommates

Decorate your room with paint balloons and pictures.

Road trip from Texas to Minnesota. I don't know where these places are

Camp in an igloo overnight in Greenland

Have a movie night at your house with friends

Make Belgium waffles in Germany and ski

Watch the sunset in brazil

Make your own hoodie somewhere

Go up the downwards escalator in the longest escalator in hong kong

Follow a bunch of joggers and play 'eye of the tiger' for encouragement

Make a watch  in Finland

Smash a car in Switzerland

Set up a stand in Australia selling marmite on toast but actually use Nutella

Dj in Australia

Go to the first Oreo factory and eat 100 cookies

Get a job as a substitute teacher for a day an rock out

Climb a cliff and mark it using graffiti

Last one and probably the most stupid get a tattoo on everyplace you visited

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2016 ⏰

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