Chapter 2

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Alex's P.O.V.
I woke up to Dean shoving me out of the bed. I groan as I hit the floor and look up at a smirking Dean. I frown, why is he so mean?
"It's Saturday, Sam and I are going out."
I nod.
"Can't she come with Dean?"
"No Sammy."
Then why did he wake me up? He couldn't have left a note?
"Then I'm not going, I want to hang out with Alex."
Dean groans.
"Fine. The little brat can come."
Ouch. Why does he hate me so much? I never did anything to him.
Sam grins and throws me a flannel and some jean shorts from my bag. I grab them and head to the bathroom. I put my blonde hair up in a ponytail so I can do my makeup. I put a light pink lipstick on my lips and gently brush some mascara onto my eyelashes, making my eyes pop. I pull the flannel on and button it up then I pull the shorts on. Wow these are short. I guess I should've tried them on before getting them. I pull my hair out of the ponytail, shaking my head slightly as I walk out of the bathroom. I look over at Dean to see him staring. I roll my eyes and sit on Sam's bed, pulling my socks and my black combat boots on.
"Are you ready yet?" Dean asks, as he rolls his beautiful green eyes.
We get in the impala, I sit in the back seat and run my fingers through my hair. I look up, seeing Dean looking at me through the rear view mirror, as soon as our eyes lock his eyes dart back to the road.
"Where are we going?"
"Sam wanted to go for pizza and a movie." Dean grumbles.
I nod, smiling slightly. I've been staying with Winchesters for about a week and things between Dean and I are still very rough. I don't understand why he doesn't like me, I haven't done anything. I'm pulled out of my thoughts by Sam.
I look up, seeing Sam and Dean looking at me.
"Oh, I- sorry."
"It's okay! We're at the pizza place, come on."
I slowly get out of the car, the bruise on my hip has faded a lot but it still hurts. We walk into the pizza place, seeing that it was almost empty. We sit in a booth while Dean goes and orders a pizza.
"Hello, I'm Matt. I'll be your waiter. What can I get you to drink?"
"Hm. Apple Juice." Sam grins.
The guy nods and looks over at me.
"And for the pretty lady?"
I blush and think for a second.
"Water please."
"I'll be right back." He grins.
I bite my lip, trying to hide the fact that I'm blushing and Sam laughs.
"You think he's cute."
I look at Sam, rolling my eyes.
"I do not."
"Mhm. Sure."
"The guys a total tool. I mean look at his clothes, he's way too preppy." Dean says.
"Uh that's his uniform. He has to wear it." I mumble.
Dean's cute when he's angry. Uh. What? No he's not. He's a total jerk. I didn't realize I was staring until Dean snapped his fingers in my face.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer."
I blush bright red and look down at the table.
We ate our pizza then went to the movie. We all sat down, waiting for the movie to start.
"Dean I wanted popcorn."
"Well suck it up, you know I don't have the money for that. I didn't even really have the money for this."
"I have to go to the restroom, I'll be  right back. Sam will you come with? I don't want to go alone."
Sam nods and heads for the bathroom, when we get out of the theater I grab Sam's hand and run towards the register.
"Hi, can I get a large popcorn please?"
Sam grins.
"Do you want any candy? Or a drink? What about Dean?"
Sam thinks for a minute.
"Dean likes pie." He says as he gestures to the sign, saying 'Hot Pie'
I nod.
"Can I get a slice of pie too?"
I hand the guy the money and he gives me the pie and a fork and hands Sam the popcorn. We walk back into the theater and sit down, me in between Sam and Dean. I hand Dean the pie and he looks at me weirdly before digging into the pie. About an hour into the movie, Dean reaches into the popcorn bucket at the same time that I do and our hands touch. They linger for a minute before he quickly moves his hand. I blush slightly. The movie ends and we all get into the impala.
"Thank you for bringing me along."
"Yeah! Thanks Dean!"
Dean nods and we head back to the hotel, we all change and head to bed. The boys are both fast asleep as I think about today. Do I like Dean Winchester?
I hope this chapter wasn't too bad, let me know what you think and vote if you liked it. Always Keep Fighting💗

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