Hyjal, Year -10,355

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(Art by krakkenkat on tumblr)

   The grass blew around her ankles. The power of the full moon was having a strong affect on the land, and even the smallest plants reached up to greet it. The power danced in the air. Thyallas outstretched her hand, the moonlight making her ceremonial tattoos glow faintly. It had been a long time since she was able to see the land like this. She only knew vaguely where she was going, only knowing the way as it was explained through a few letters. Ahead of her the clearing became woods, and above the trees she could faintly see smoke drifting into the night air, smoke from a warm hearth somewhere in the distance. It must be them. Thyallas felt a weight lifted off her shoulders. Before entering the woods, she looked up at the sky and thanked the moon for guiding her safely to them, finishing with a small prayer that she will be accepted by them. "Elune-adoré," she whispered into the night air.

  She walked quickly through the woods. They were unfamiliar to her but she could still see the smokestack peaking out on the horizon. As it grew closer she moved faster and faster, until she was running as fast as she could. Then she saw it. A large tree with windows pouring out warm yellow light and a partially open door. Before she let herself think through it, she threw open the door and ran inside. It was warm inside, the walls were covered with books and there were many cushions scattered around. There was a small caw from the branches above her. She would of been scared if she hadn't heard the same caw many times before.

   "Ianthil," her breathy voice broke the silence. A small black crow flew down from a hidden alcove above her, but as it landed it's form shifted into a tall elvish man with pointed features and long indigo hair.

  "Thyallas, what- why- how are you here?" the man spoke quickly, tripping over his words.

  "I had nowhere else to go, I've lost my apprenticeship at the temple, so I need a place to stay," she spoke confidently, but he sensed the fear in her words.

  "Of corse you're here, I-I mean welcome here. You can stay."

  "Is Ianellor still here?"

  "He should be home soon, you can tell us what has happened then."

  Ianthil walked slowly over to what appeared to be a small kitchen and appeared to start making tea. Thyallas sat on one of the many cushions, just happy that Ianthil was the same man she had once known. She could hear the tea boil and the smell of Aethril filled the room. Ianthil murmured something under his breath too low for Thyallas to hear.

The wood creaked below his bare feet as he carried two cups of tea over to her. The steam floated up into the air, making pretty swirls up into the branches of the tree. She took the warm cup gratefully and went to take a sip. The moment her lips touched the liquid, it went from a light purple to a bright magenta and the potent smell of strawberries filled the room.

She looked to Ianthil, but he was just shaking his head slightly, "I'm sorry, dear Thyallas."


"It was the Magistrate, then?" Ianthil looked her in the eye, his gaze piercing.

"He worked with me, but I don't know what you mean," Thyallas' calm voice broke as she put down her cup of tea.

"You're pregnant, you carry a daughter."

"I- I cannot."

"Is this why you are here? Because all of Zin-Azhari scorns you? Do you only use me to support your bastard child?" Ianthil conveyed an emotion for the first time that night, and it was the anger of betrayal.

"I did not know! I am here because I have lost my home and seek refuge among friends," a hot tear shot down her cheek.

"You did this to yourself!"

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