The Malfoy Name

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"Draco," Astoria muttered, her eyes filling with tears.

The car sped up.

"Do you think I got here all on my own? No! I had the teachings of my own father. But he—he was different than me, he didn't help me like this." he said. "But that's why I want to be different. I realised how important studying was, and now I want to be here for you. I know I've made some bad choices, but I'm trying. I'm trying! I'm trying to be a good father, because I wasn't a good student. I let my school and my family down. Do you want to be like that?"

There was an agonising beat of silence. These were things I had heard before, of course. Talk of working his way up again, amending his reputation—these ideas floated around the house all throughout my childhood.

And yet. There was something strange about his voice today. Maybe it was because of everything I had learnt this year: the way my eyes had opened to things I had never dreamt I would learn about. Like the danger of Death Eaters. Like Rose Weasley.

I was at a complete loss for words.

Draco was still so lost his outburst that he didn't notice the tree that beelined straight towards us.

"Draco, look out!" Astoria screamed.

Draco's eyes flicked towards the screen and his eyes widened in alarm. He spun the steering wheel. The cacophonous screeching of tires raked against my ears. I grasped the handle above me, ignoring the seatbelt that cut hard through my shoulder. The car jerked to one side.

And then to a stop.


Draco and Astoria were both panting hard, eyes wide as they stared at the road ahead of them.  I stared at them.

Draco's knuckles were white on the steering wheel.

     After a solid five minutes of silence Astoria opened her door. Then without a word she ducked out of the car, slamming the door shut behind her.

     Draco swore under his breath, before quickly sliding out of the car after her.

     I watched through the car window as the two of them argued about the long scratch that raked up the side of the black Lamborghini. I didn't have to see it to know it was bad.

After a while I took out my wand and did a non-verbal spell, sending both voices echoing through the car.

     "Baby, it's fine. It's just a scratch—"

     "Just a scratch?!" Astoria spluttered. She sighed, beautiful eyes frustrated and pleading and sad. "Draco, that's not the point! You think everything can be fixed with money, but it can't. Some things... some things you need to take responsibility for."

     Her voice got softer still, leaving me only the muffled sounds and the agonized expressions on their faces.  

     "I'm going for a walk," Astoria said. "By the time I come back you'd better have sorted everything out."

Then, wrapping her black shawl tighter over her chest, she turned and headed down the road, leaving Draco by himself.

It took him a moment before he ducked back into the car.

I quickly stuffed my wand back in my pocket before he could notice.

"Hey," he said, staring at the large screen in front of him.

I didn't answer.

"You're mother's pretty pissed about the car," he said with a forced laugh, attempting dry humour. "It's a good thing it's just a car, and nothing else, huh?"

Stars Hold Our Fate (SCOROSE) ~ Editing ~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora